A permit is required to take, collect, capture, mark, or salvage, for scientific, educational, and non-commercial propagation purposes, mammals, birds and their nests and eggs, reptiles, amphibians, fishes, and invertebrates (Fish and Game Code Section 1002 and Title 14 Sections 650 and 670.7). These activities require a Scientific Collecting Permit (SCP), and you need to pay a fee for it. The take of some animals may also require a Memorandum of Understanding or other additional written authorization from CDFW.
The collection, possession, transplantation or propagation of rare, threatened or endangered plants or manipulation of their habitat requires a Rare, Threatened or Endangered Plant Collecting Permit or Plant Research Permit. These permits are free and are required for activities conducted on both private and public land.
Take of threatened or endangered species incidental to an otherwise lawful activity requires a Section 2081(b) permit.
All species may be taken for scientific purposes but not all may be taken for educational, non-commercial propagation, or management purposes. This is determined by whether a species is classified as a fully protected species, candidate, threatened, or endangered species, species of special concern, a standard exception species, an endangered or rare plant species, or other native species.
Species Category
Species Category Definition
Allowable Purpose for Take
Fully Protected Species
Includes species of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals listed as Fully Protected by the State Legislature (see Fish and Game Code, Sections 3511, 4700, 5050, and 5515).
Threatened, Endangered, or Candidate Species
Includes all species listed by the California Fish and Game Commission (see Title 14 CCR, Section 670.5), and by the federal government under ESA.
Scientific, Educational, Management
Species of Special Concern
Includes fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals that the Department has determined are potentially at risk to become threatened or endangered (see Species of Special Concern section for explanation of criteria for this designation).
Scientific, Educational, Non-commercial propagation
Standard Exception Animals
Includes species included in the three above categories, and bird nests and eggs, raptors, bats, carnivores, game animals, and other specially protected birds and mammals. The back of the application for an SCP (see below for SCP application process) has a list of these species.
Scientific, Educational, Non-commercial propagation
Other Native Animals
Includes the other animals not included in the sections above.
Scientific, Educational, Non-commercial propagation
Endangered and Rare Plants
Includes all plants listed by the Fish and Game Commission (see Title 14 CCR, Section 670.2)
The Scientific Collecting Permit Process
Fee 2018
Individual & Entity (non-students)
SCP Application Fee
Paid with submittal of an Application (PDF Form) by an Individual or Entity to process a new application or a renewal of an existing permit. For each Principal Investigator listed on an Entity permit, an Application and Permit fee is required.
SCP Permit (Issuance) Fee
Paid at time when notified by License and Revenue Branch that permit is ready for issuance. For each Principal Investigator listed on an Entity permit, an Application and Permit fee is required
SCP Amendment Fee
Paid at time when requesting via Amendment (PDF Form) any changes to an existing permit (such as type and number of wildlife requested for take, locations, methods, disposition), or to change names on the List of Authorized Individuals. Amendments are valid for the remaining duration of the original permit’s dates
Students only
SCP Application Fee
Paid with submittal of an Application (PDF Form) by a Student to process a new application or a renewal of an existing permit. Any resident or nonresident student in a school of collegiate level, who is required by an instructor or graduate supervisor in wildlife research to collect specimens used in laboratory work or research
SCP Permit (Issuance) Fee
Paid at time when notified by License and Revenue Branch that permit is ready for issuance
SCP Amendment Fee
Paid at time when requesting via Amendment (PDF Form) any changes to an existing permit (such as type and number of wildlife requested for take, locations, methods, disposition). Amendments are valid for the remaining duration of the original permit’s dates.