Commercial Fish Business Licenses

New to commercial fishing? All fish caught under the authority of a commercial fishing license, even for personal use, must be landed and documented on an electronic fish ticket and submitted to E-Tix. Commercial fishermen must locate a licensed fish business willing to land their catch or they must possess a Fisherman’s Retail License to report their commercial fish landings through the E-Tix portal.

You cannot purchase a commercial fishing license or register a commercial fishing vessel for the first time without contacting or (916) 928-5822 to establish your commercial fishing customer account.

Commercial Fish Business License Requirements

Any person who engages in any business for profit involving fish shall obtain a Commercial Fish Business license (FGC §8030). A Commercial Fish Business license is valid from January 1 through December 31, inclusive, or, if issued after the beginning of that term, for the remainder of the year thereof.

You can renew you Commercial Fish Business Licenses online. Fishermen's Retail Licenses, are the only Commercial Fish Business License that can be renewed at select license agents. Licenses purchased online, or at a license agent, will include a 5% non-refundable license agent handling fee. Find a local License Sales Agent

Landing Fees

Effective 2020: CDFW provides each California fish business with a quarterly statement of landing fees due for fish landed during the preceding quarter to help fish businesses reconcile and submit payment within 30 days after the close of each quarter. Landing fees are required for all fish landed for which a electronic fish ticket has been completed and submitted to CDFW (Fish and Game Code Section 8040 et seq. and Food and Agriculture Code Section 76900 et seq.). Statements are mailed automatically following the end of each quarter. Questions about these statements can be emailed to CDFW at

Forms and Guidance Documents


Commercial Fishing and Fish Businesses
(916) 928-5822 |