Tomales Bay Ecological Reserve


The Tomales Bay Ecological Reserve is 482 acres of salt marsh and tidal flats consisting of pickleweed, arrow grass, gum plant, salt bush and salt grass. Lagunitas Creek drains into the southern part of the ecological reserve. Waterfowl , shorebirds, brown pelican, California clapper and black rail inhabit Tomales Bay. Fish species include striped bass, flatfishes, sculpin, walleye and other surfperch, salmon, steelhead.

For more information, call the Bay Delta Region Fairfield office at (707) 428-2002.

Recreational Opportunities

Wildlife Viewing boat Ramp Fishing Hiking Trails Waterfowl Hunting Hunting with Shotguns

Closed March 1 - June 30 for protection of nesting birds. The southeasterly shoreline along Hwy 1 is open all year for fishing access.

Activities: wildlife viewing, fishing, hiking, hunting

Area History

Levees and tide-gates constructed in the 1940s as part of the Giacomini dairy development have disconnected and degraded much of the hydrologic and ecological function of many acres of wetland habitat at the head of Tomales Bay.

The property was designated as an ecological reserve by the Fish and Game Commission in 1973. Recently, there have been efforts to restore tidal function to the estuary through marsh plain enhancement and tide channel creation, south levee reduction to reduce flood elevations, and enhancement of floodplain terrace and riprap armor removal.

Map of Tomales Bay ER location - click to enlarge in new window
Click to enlarge


Bay Delta Region (Region 3)

Marin County

south end of Tomales Bay near Bivalve and north of Pt. Reyes Station

Directions: Boat access at Miller's Landing on Hwy 1, about 12 miles north of Pt. Reyes Station. Hand-launched boat access may be found at turnout on Hwy 1 near Bivalve. See map of boat ramp location (PDF).

CDFW Lands Viewer

Wildlife Branch - Lands Program
Mailing: P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090