Loch Lomond Vernal Pool Ecological Reserve


This 13-acre reserve serves to protect sensitive vernal pool plant species. It is situated in a large basin in the Mayacmas Mountains at an elevation of 2,800 feet. The vernal pool is classified as a Northern Volcanic Ash type, and supports a wide variety of plant species that are restricted to vernal pool habitats. These include coyote thistle, navarretia, downingia, and spike rush. Common wildlife species in the area include western toad, American kestrel, coyote, gray fox, and deer. The property was designated as an ecological reserve by the Fish and Game Commission in 1993.

For more information, call the North Central Region's Rancho Cordova office at (916) 358-2900.

Recreational Opportunities

Wildlife Viewing

Activities: wildflower and wildlife viewing

Facilities: None

NOTE: Visitors are responsible for knowing and complying with all regulations pertaining to the use of Department lands.

Refer to the Public Uses on State and Federal Lands section of the Waterfowl, Upland Game, and Public Use Regulations (PDF) booklet for both statewide and property-specific regulations.

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You may not operate a drone on CDFW Lands without a Special Use Permit.

Map of Loch Lomond Vernal Pool ER - click to enlarge in new window
Click to enlarge


North Central Region (Region 2)

Lake County

in the town of Loch Lomond

Access: From Kelseyville, take Highway 175 south to Loch Lomond. The reserve is on the west side of the highway.

CDFW Lands Viewer

Wildlife Branch - Lands Program
Mailing: P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090