Goleta Slough Ecological Reserve


The 440-acre Goleta Slough Ecological Reserve includes a variety of habitat types: estuarine, riverine, and palustrine wetlands; coastal bluff scrub; introduced grassland; coastal sage scrub; and Southern coastal oak woodland. Species include ducks, shorebirds, rails, herons, raptors, mice, voles, raccoons, weasels, skunk, snakes, and invertebrates.

The Slough’s history involves the diking and filling of extensive areas of salt marsh and alluvial fan, the realignment of the Slough’s creeks and their channelization, and the destruction of upland habitats within and adjacent to the Slough. The purpose of the reserve is to protect critical coastal salt marsh habitat. The property was designated as an ecological reserve by the Fish and Game Commission in 1983.

For more information, call the South Coast Region San Diego office at (858) 467-4201.

Recreational Opportunities

wildlife viewing hiking

This ecological reserve is adjacent to or shares marine habitat with a Marine Protected Area (MPA). For the public use regulations for MPAs, see Section 632, Title 14, CCR.

Activities: wildlife viewing, hiking

map of Goleta Slough Ecological Reserve - click to enlarge in new window
Click to enlarge


South Coast Region (Region 5)

Santa Barbara County

adjacent to U.C. Santa Barbara and Santa Barbara airport

Directions: Hwy 101 in City of Santa Barbara. Exit Los Carneros Road. Proceed south to reserve.

CDFW Lands Viewer

Wildlife Branch - Lands Program
Mailing: P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090