Fish Slough Ecological Reserve

Image of Fish Slough ER


The Fish Slough Ecological Reserve is 188 acres. Fish Slough provides wetland and riparian habitats unique to the area, and also supports various endangered or rare fish, plant, and animal species. In the marsh itself, extensive areas are covered with bulrush, cattails, rushes, and saltgrass. The drier areas of the Reserve are dominated by the shadscale scrub community, including saltbrush and rabbitbrush. Birds include blackbirds, marsh wrens, ducks, and raptors. Rocky cliffs line both sides of the marsh, providing excellent perching and nesting sites. Rodents attract predators such as bobcats and coyotes.

For more information, call the Inland Deserts Region Bishop office at (760) 872-1171.

Ma of Fish Slough ER - click to enlarge in new window
Click to enlarge


Inland Deserts Region (Region 6)

Inyo and Mono Counties

Directions: Hwy 6 north of Bishop. Exit Jean Blanc Road west. North on Fish Slough Road for 2.5 mi. Reserve is on the east side of Fish Slough Road.

CDFW Lands Viewer

Recreational Opportunities

Wildlife Viewing  Hiking Trails Quail Hunting Waterfowl Hunting Information Kiosk or Visitor Center

Activities: wildlife viewing, hiking, hunting

Area History

The Fish Slough area has been occupied by man for several thousand years. Prior to Anglo contact in the mid-nineteenth century, the area was occupied by the Numic-speaking Owens Valley Paiute. Historical use by Native Americans is evident by the numerous petroglyph sites within the management area. The first Anglo settlers in the area were ranchers. The most recent human influence on the area has been the City of Los Angeles’ need for the water resources of the Owens Valley. The property was designated as an ecological reserve by the Fish and Game Commission in 1970.

Wildlife Branch - Lands Program
Mailing: P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090