Corte Madera Marsh Ecological Reserve


Classified as a northern coastal salt marsh, the 620-acre Corte Madera Marsh Ecological Reserve has vegetation consisting of cordgrass, pickleweed, salt grass, coyote bush, gum-plant, marsh rosemary, dock, annual grasses and herbs, and various exotic shrub species. Common avian inhabitants include great blue heron, egret, willet, and marbled godwit. A variety of rodent species, as well as raccoons, may also be found on the area.

For more information, call the Bay Delta Region Fairfield office at (707) 428-2002.

Recreational Opportunities

Wildlife Viewing  Hiking Trails

This ecological reserve is adjacent to or shares marine habitat with a Marine Protected Area (MPA). For the public use regulations for MPAs, see Section 632, Title 14, CCR.

Activities: wildlife viewing, hiking

Area History

The original 94 acre portion of the Corte Madera ER is a relatively unspoiled tidal wetland. The large 526 acre section is actually in two parts: Approximately 400 acres is subtidal mudflats and open water; the remaining 125 acres was diked off from tidal action in the early 1950s and used as a dredge disposal site by the US Army Corps of Engineers in the Corte Madera Creek realignment project of the early 1960s then returned to tidal activity in 1976. The property was designated as an ecological reserve by the Fish and Game Commission in 1977.

map of corte Madera Marsh ER - click to enlarge in new window
Click to enlarge


Bay Delta Region (Region 3)

Marin County

Directions: From Hwy 101, exit Lucky Drive east to Industrial Way. Head east 1 block to reserve.

CDFW Lands Viewer

Wildlife Branch - Lands Program
1812 9th Street, Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 445-0411