Cedar Roughs Wildlife Area

Image of Cedar Roughs Wildlife Area


The Cedar Roughs Wildlife Area consists of two separate parcels, the Lake Berryessa and Maxwell Creek units, totaling 414 acres of brush-covered canyons, serpentine grasslands, oak woodlands, and riparian habitats. Some wildlife that may be seen includes bobcat, gray fox, raccoon, golden eagle, wrentit, yellow-rumped warbler, and acorn woodpecker. The area provides access to larger Bureau of Land Management and Bureau of Reclamation ownerships.

For more information, call the Bay Delta Region Fairfield office at (707) 428-2002.

Map of Cedar roughs WA - click to enlarge in new window
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Bay Delta Region (Region 3)

Napa County

northwest end of Lake Berryessa, off Pope Canyon Road

Access: From Rutherford take Highway 128 east. Turn left on Chiles Pope Valley for several miles to Pope Canyon Road. From Winters take Highway 128 west. Turn right on Lower Chiles Valley Road, then right on Chiles Pope Valley Road for several miles to Pope Canyon Road. The two parcels lie 2.2 miles and 4.2 miles west of Pope Creek bridge (Lake Berryessa and Maxwell Creek units, respectively).

Topographic Map (PDF)

CDFW Lands Viewer

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Recreational Opportunities

 Hiking Trails fishing Wildlife Viewing Deer Hunting Turkey Hunting Quail Hunting

Access to both parcels requires crossing Pope Creek by foot, which is only possible during the dry season.

The Lake Berryessa Unit provides access to the 6,350 acres of BLM's Cedar Roughs Wilderness Area. The Maxwell Creek Unit provides access to an additional 160 acres of BLM land that was previously surrounded by private land, via Pope Canyon Road at the confluence of Maxwell Creek with Pope Creek.

Hunting: Common game species include deer, bobcat, gray squirrel, rabbit, wild turkey, quail, and dove. Please carry out your used cartridges and trash.

Type C: Cedar Roughs Wildlife Area does not require the purchase of a hunting pass for entry. Entry permits and/or passes or special drawing may be required for hunting on some Type C wildlife areas.

Facilities: Primitive camping is allowed on adjacent BLM lands.

Area History

The human history and pre-history of the Cedar Roughs Wildlife Area and the surrounding lands is typical of the inner coast range and other areas inland of the influence of Spanish missions. Native Americans occupied the area until the mid-1800s when Europeans arrived to homestead and to prospect silver and mercury. The area surrounding the wildlife area began to be settled in 1843, when Governor Michel Toreana granted eight square leagues, Ranch Las Putas, to two brothers Jose and Sisto Berryessa.

Prior to Department acquisition, the properties were impacted by over 90 years of grazing and farming. In addition to restoring habitat, the primary purpose for acquiring the property was to improve public access. The property was designated as a wildlife area by the Fish and Game Commission in 1996.

Related Documents

Wildlife Branch - Lands Program
Mailing: P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090