Buttonwillow Ecological Reserve


Buttonwillow Ecological Reserve is approximately 1,400 acres. A prairie falcon has been observed on the site, as well as black-tailed hares, cottontails and many species of birds including meadowlarks, mourning doves, turkey vultures and red-tailed hawks. Many of the adjacent lands are intensively farmed in alfalfa, cotton, milo or orchard crops.

Acquisition of the property prevented its conversion to agricultural use. The property was designated as an ecological reserve by the Fish and Game Commission in 2000.

For more information, call the Central Region Fresno office Conservation Building at (559) 243-4005.

Recreational Opportunities

Wildlife Viewing

Activities: wildlife viewing

Map of Buttonwillow ER - click to enlarge in new window
Click to enlarge


Central Region (Region 4)

Kern County

Directions: Hwy 58 E of Buttonwillow. N on Brandt Rd. Reserve at intersect of Seventh Standard and Brandt Roads.

CDFW Lands Viewer

Wildlife Branch - Lands Program
Mailing: P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090