Burcham and Wheeler Flats Wildlife Area is approximately 1,160 acres of sagebrush scrub and meadow habitat and is managed for preventing further decline of greater sage grouse, providing critical mule deer habitat, and protecting sensitive plant and animal species. This would include activities such as meadow irrigation, stream bank stabilization, and aspen stand restoration.
Over 3,000 mule deer from the East and West Walker deer herds migrate through the area. In addition, the area functions as a portion of the spring and fall holding area for these herds, as well as summer range fawning habitat.
Other species likely to benefit from the protection of the property include the following State-listed threatened species: wolverine, Sierra Nevada red fox, bank swallow, and willow flycatcher and the following species of special concern: western white-tailed hare, American badger, black bear, mountain lion, Townsend’s big-eared bat, spotted bat, northern goshawk, bald eagle, blue grouse, and mountain quail.
For more information, call the Inland Deserts Region Bishop office at (760) 872-1171.