Blue Sky Ecological Reserve


Blue Sky Ecological Reserve is a 598 acre property comprised of three vegetation types: valley foothill riparian, coastal scrub and mixed chaparral. Vegetation includes California sagebrush, chamise, and coast live oaks. Typical mammal species as permanent or occasional residents include deer, mountain lion, and coyote. Typical amphibian species expected to occur include western toad, Pacific treefrog, and Pacific salamander. Bird species include red-shouldered hawk, American kestrel, and California gnatcatcher.

The reserve is owned by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the County of San Diego Department of Parks and Recreation, and the City of Poway. Day to day operations are managed by the City of Poway with support from the nonprofit Friends of Blue Sky Canyon.

For more information about the reserve, please visit the City of Poway or the Friends of Blue Sky Canyon websites or call the South Coast Region San Diego office at (858) 467-4201.

Recreational Opportunities

Wildlife Viewing Restrooms  Hiking Trails Information Kiosk or Visitor Center Either Guided or Self-guided Interpretive Nature Tours

Activities: wildlife viewing, hiking

Area History

Blue Sky was once part of a homestead that included most of Green Valley. Since occupation by the Diguenos, there have been other uses and some historic structures remain as evidence.

Loss of habitat in this county is primarily due to rapidly expanding urban development. This property was acquired primarily for the preservation of riparian habitat. Other objectives were to acquire the surrounding coastal scrub habitat, manage the area for wildlife use, and provide recreational opportunities. The property was designated as an ecological reserve by the Fish and Game Commission in 1991.

Map of Blue Sky ER - click to enlarge in new window
Click to enlarge


South Coast Region (Region 5)

San Diego County

Directions: Take Interstate (I-15) to Rancho Bernardo. From I-15 exit Rancho Bernardo Road. Follow Rancho Bernardo Road east for 1.6 miles where it becomes Espola Road. Continue east on Espola Road for approximately 1.7 miles. Where Espola Road starts curving south look for parking lot on east side of road. Parking lot is between Old Coach Road and the Green Valley Truck Trail.

CDFW Lands Viewer

Wildlife Branch - Lands Program
Mailing: P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090