Alkali Sink Ecological Reserve


The 930-acre Alkali Sink Ecological Reserve includes alkali sink scrub and annual grassland habitats. Migratory birds, particularly sandhill cranes, make seasonal use of the ground for foraging and resting. Wintering waterfowl utilize the flooded vernal pools, and some limited waterfowl nesting may take place on the annual grasslands. Raptors forage for rodents, rabbits, hares, small birds, and reptiles.

For more information, call the Central Region Fresno office Conservation Building at (559) 243-4005.

Recreational Opportunities

Wildlife Viewing

Activities: wildlife viewing

Area History

The property was acquired to preserve remaining Alkali Sink Scrub habitat, and was designated an ecological reserve by the Fish and Game Commission in 1979. Prior to acquisition, this area had been heavily grazed by livestock. In addition, much of the area was previously managed as private waterfowl hunting clubs, although there was little “development” of waterfowl hunting ponds - members merely hunted over flooded vernal pools.

Map of Alkali Sink ER - click to enlarge in new window
Click to enlarge


Central Region (Region 4)

Fresno County

Directions: Hwy 180 east of Mendota. Reserve is on south side of 180.

Additional Map (PDF)

CDFW Lands Viewer

Wildlife Branch - Lands Program
Mailing: P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090