Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife - Northern Region (1)
Years: 2008 - 2019
Species: Mule Deer
Type of Project: Research
Purpose: To identify mule deer migration routes and crossings along highway 89 in Sierra county.
Budget: $70,860
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife (Wildlife Branch) and University of California Davis
Years: 2009 - 2014
Species: Black-tailed Deer
Type of Project: Research
Purpose: To identify causal relationships between deer population dynamics and environmental variables including habitat and predation to explain population declines of black-tailed deer in the Mendocino National Forest.
Budget: $757,744
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife - North Central Region (1)
Years: 2011 - 2014
Species: Black Bear
Type of Project: Research
Purpose: To evaluate the seasonal home range and habitat use by urban averted, urban control, and wild black bears, and to determined whether aversive conditioning is an effective tool in altering urban bear behavior.
Budget: $178,000
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife - North Central Region (2)
Years: 2011 - 2014
Species: Mule Deer
Type of Project: Research
Purpose: To delineate current distribution, migration patterns, and mortality factors affecting the Carson River deer population.
Budget: $178,631
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife - Wildlife Health Lab
Years: 2011 - 2012
Species: Mule Deer and Elk
Type of Project: Disease Monitoring
Purpose: To surveille for chronic wasting disease (CWD) through sampling and testing of suspect deer and elk, contacting hunters who harvested CWD-positive deer or elk out-of-state and assisting in the disposal of contaminated meat, outreach to meat processors and handling recommendations for deer and elk harvested out-of-state, and training volunteers to assist Law Enforcement District check stations near the California border targeting residents returning with harvested deer and elk.
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife - Inland Deserts Region (6)
Years: 2011 - 2016
Species: Mule Deer
Type of Project: Methods Development
Purpose: To increase the precision and accuracy of population monitoring while reducing risks to Department of Fish and Wildlife personnel by adopting the use of a hybrid population monitoring plan to provide accurate estimates of the rates of population change and determine factors underpinning these rates of change for the Casa Diablo, Round Valley, and Goodale mule deer populations.
Budget: $370,505
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife- Northern Region (1)
Years: 2011 - 2014
Species: Mule Deer
Type of Project: Habitat Enhancement
Purpose: To restore bitterbrush on 25 acres of burned critical mule deer winter range.
Budget: $4,000
Organization: Wild Sheep Foundation
Years: 2011 - 2019
Species: Bighorn Sheep
Type of Project: Disease Monitoring
Purpose: To investigate respiratory disease in bighorn sheep.
Budget: $74,349
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife - Northern Region (1)
Years: 2012 - 2013
Species: Mule Deer and Black Bear
Type of Project: Methods Development
Purpose: To augment efforts of the State Wildlife Grant funded Ecoregion Biodiversity Monitoring Project to monitor mule deer and black bear occupancy and demography trends at the Deer Assessment Unit scale through the use of baited camera stations.
Budget: $52,000
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife - Northern Region (1)
Years: 2012 - 2014
Species: Mule Deer
Type of Project: Methods Development
Purpose: To evaluate the use of camera traps to collect population trend and composition data on mule deer in areas where other techniques may be comparatively ineffective,
Budget: $70,000
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife - South Coast Region (5)
Years: 2008 - 2019
Species: Bighorn Sheep
Type of Project: Population Monitoring
Purpose: To (1) monitor population status, dynamics, and trends, (2) monitor population abundances to generate estimates of abundance of individual recovery regions as well as the entire population, (3) monitor distribution to track changes in number and distribution of ewe groups and determine if augmentation or reintroductions are necessary and where, (3) monitor recruitment to determine lamb production so results can be compared among recovery regions, years, and management strategies, (4) maintain and restore habitat connectivity, (5) reduce mortality rates, (6) research habitat use and selection and dispersal behavior, and (7) research disease and preventative measures.
Budget: $53,678
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife - Central Region (4)
Years: 2012 - 2016
Species: Mule Deer
Type of Project: Research
Purpose: To determine whether exotic lice impact mule deer populations, determine methods to lessen the impact of exotic lice on louse-infested populations, and to reduce the spread of exotic lice to non-infested populations.
Budget: $417,900
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife - North Central Region (2)
Years: 2008 - 2019
Species: Rocky Mountain Elk
Type of Project: Research
Purpose: To gain baseline data on the number of elk that are settling into Plumas and Sierra counties.
Budget: $22,360
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife - Northern Region (1)
Years: 2012 - 2018
Species: Pronghorn
Type of Project: Research
Purpose: To update information regarding pronghorn distribution within summer and winter ranges, location of migration corridors, migratory behavior, impediments to migration, and important seasonal habitat areas within occupied range in northeastern California.
Budget: $1,002,764
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife - Northern Region (1)
Years: 2012 - 2013
Species: Mule Deer
Type of Project: Research
Purpose: To assess hunter attitudes towards current deer hunting opportunities offered by the Department and to explore their views of a variety of alternative strategies to managing deer.
Budget: $65,000
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife - Northern Region (1)
Years: 2012 - 2016
Species: Mule Deer
Type of Project: Research
Purpose: To (1) identify migration routes and the location of seasonal habitats important to health and persistence, (2) collect information on physical condition and disease, and (3) monitor annual patterns of survival, causes of mortality, and factors that influence the survival of adult female mule deer.
Budget: $23,170
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife - Inland Deserts Region (1)
Years: 2012 - 2014
Species: Mule Deer
Type of Project: Habitat enhancement
Purpose: To revitalize mule deer and upland game bird summer and winter range habitats through prescribed fire.
Budget: $101,047
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife - North Central Region (1)
Years: 2012 - 214
Species: Bighorn Sheep
Type of Project: Research
Purpose: To evaluate existing habitat and management conditions for the successful translocation and maintenance of an interstate population of bighorn sheep in the Truckee River Canyon on Nevada county.
Budget: $16,895
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife - North Central Region (2)
Years: 2012 - 2015
Species: Mule Deer
Type of Project: Population Monitoring and Methods Development
Purpose: To use non-invasive DNA techniques to obtain estimates of abundance and density and assess the feasibility of implementing DNA-based monitoring of the Pacific deer herd in El Dorado and Placer counties.
Budget: $136,480
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife - Central Region (4)
Years: 2012 - 2015
Species: Mule Deer
Type of Project: Research
Purpose: To determine herd boundaries and link key areas and migratory routes on the west slope of the Sierra Nevada mountains in Madera and Fresno counties.
Budget: $309,000
Organization: Bureau of Land Management - Eagle Lake Field Office
Years: 2013 -2014
Species: Mule Deer and Pronghorn
Type of Project: Habitat Enhancement
Purpose: To stabilize and rehabilitate big game habitats and water sources important to big game species on lands burned by the 315,577 acre Rush Fire.
Budget: $322,660
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife - North Central Region (2)
Years: 2013 - 2014
Species: Black Bear
Type of Project: Research
Purpose: To estimate habitat use, home range, and denning of black bears in the Lake Tahoe Basin.
Budget: $109,335
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife - Inland Deserts Region (6)
Years: 2013 - 2019
Species: Mule Deer
Type of Project: Research
Purpose: To assess demographic and distributional responses of mule deer inhabiting the eastern Mojave Desert to the provision of water at locations where it had been, but is no longer, available.
Budget: $551,000
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife - Inland Deserts Region (6)
Years: 2013 - 2015
Species: Pronghorn
Type of Project: Research
Purpose: To delineate migration routes, identify physical and anthropogenic barriers, delineate seasonal ranges, and estimate annual survival and cause-specific mortality.
Budget: $156,000
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife - Wildlife Health Lab
Years: 2013 - 2014
Species: Mule Deer, Black Bear, Wild Pig
Type of Project: Health Monitoring
Purpose: To determine the amounts of anticoagulant rodenticide residues in the edible muscle tissues of mule deer, black bear, and wild pigs.
Budget: $60,750
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife - Inland Deserts Region (6)
Years: 2014 - 2018
Species: Mule Deer
Type of Project: Population Monitoring
Purpose: To provide baseline population monitoring data of desert mule deer in Zone D12 by implementing a monitoring strategy to estimate abundance and composition.
Budget: $160,000
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife - Northern Region (1)
Years: 2015 - 2017
Species: Mule Deer
Type of Project: Methods Development
Purpose: To evaluate the ability of an integrated application of random sampling, fecal DNA transects, and camera traps to estimate deer abundance across a large geographical area in deer zones C3, C4, and X4.
Budget: $295,000
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife - Wildlife Programs Branch
Years: 2015 - 2016
Species: Black-tailed Deer
Type of Project: Methods Development
Purpose: To evaluate the ability of an integrated application of random sampling, fecal DNA transects, and camera traps to estimate deer abundance across a large geographical area.
Budget: $345,000
Organization: Humboldt State University and California Department of Fish and Wildlife - Northern Region (1)
Years: 2015 - 2020
Species: Elk
Type of Project: Population Monitoring and Methods Development
Purpose: To collect baseline data and develop more robust methods for monitoring numbers, distribution, behavior, and disease risks in Roosevelt elk.
Budget: $401,298
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife -North Central Region (2)
Years: 2016 - 2019
Species: Tule Elk
Type of Project: Research
Purpose: To determine the efficacy of fecal DNA techniques compared to traditional helicopter, fixed-wing, and roadway based surveys as well as tracking movement, habitat use, important calving areas, and interactions between elk groups.
Budget: $481,967
Organization: University of California Santa Cruz
Years: 2016 - 2020
Species: Mule Deer
Type of Project: Research
Purpose: To determine factors that are influencing deer abundance on private and public lands within deer hunt zone X1 in Siskiyou county.
Budget: $1,979,675
Organization: California Deer Association
Years: 2016 - 2017
Species: Multiple
Type of Project: Habitat Enhancement
Purpose: To survey, maintain, and repair wildlife water sources.
Budget: $150,000
Organization: University California Davis
Years: 2016 - 2018
Species: Mule Deer, Elk, Black Bear
Type of Project: Population Monitoring
Purpose: Genotyping of fecal DNA used for estimating abundances of mule deer, elk, and black bear.
Budget: $500,000
Organization: Society for the Conservation of Bighorn Sheep
Years: 2016 - 2017
Species: Bighorn Sheep
Type of Project: Habitat Enhancement
Purpose: To repair water sources for bighorn sheep and other wildlife species in the Mojave Desert.
Budget: $40,571
Organization: Utah State University
Years: 2016 - 2019
Species: Bighorn Sheep, Mule Deer, Black Bear, and Pronghorn
Type of Project: Population Monitoring
Purpose: Technical support
Budget: $302,602
Organization: Leading Edge Aviation
Years: 2016 - 2019
Species: Bighorn Sheep
Purpose: Helicopter captures
Budget: $594,958
Organization: Leading Edge Aviation
Years: 2016 - 2019
Species: Mule Deer, Elk, Pronghorn, Bighorn Sheep
Purpose: Helicopter Captures
Budget: $2,668,766
Organization: California Deer Association
Years: 2017
Species: Mule Deer
Type of Project: Habitat Enhancement
Purpose: Mule deer habitat enhancement
Budget: $454,422
Organization: California Deer Association
Years: 2017
Species: Mule Deer
Type of Project: Habitat Enhancement
Purpose: Mule deer habitat enhancement
Budget: $31,200
Organization: California Deer Association
Years: 2017
Species: Mule Deer
Type of Project: Habitat Enhancement
Purpose: Mule deer habitat enhancement
Budget: $229,678
Organization: Mule Deer Foundation
Years: 2017
Species: Mule Deer
Type of Project: Habitat Enhancement
Purpose: Mule deer habitat enhancement
Budget: $369,760
Organization: Mendocino County Blacktail Association
Years: 2017
Species: Black-tailed Deer
Type of Project: Habitat Enhancement
Purpose: Black-tailed deer habitat enhancement
Budget: $115,000
Organization: United States Department of Agriculture - Animal Services
Years: 2017
Species: Mountain Lion
Type of Project: Research
Purpose: Technical assistance, handler, and dog team to capture and collar mountain lions.
Budget: $144,000
Organization: Oregon State University
Years: 2017
Species: Bighorn Sheep
Type of Project: Disease Monitoring
Purpose: Disease surveillance in desert bighorn sheep populations
Budget: $30,583
Organization: Wild Sheep Foundation
Years: 2017
Species: Bighorn Sheep
Type of Project: Disease Monitoring
Purpose: Disease monitoring in desert bighorn sheep populations
Budget: $43,000
Organization: Society for the Conservation of Bighorn Sheep
Years: 2017 - 2018
Species: Bighorn Sheep
Type of Project: Habitat Enhancement
Purpose: To provide water to bighorn sheep
Budget: $28,099
Organization: California Department of Fish and Wildlife - Wildlife Health Lab
Years: 2017 - 2018
Species: Multiple
Type of Project: Health Monitoring
Purpose: Vet residency for Wildlife Health Lab
Budget: $57,958
Organization: Society for the Conservation of Bighorn Sheep
Years: 2017 - 2019
Species: Bighorn Sheep
Type of Project: Habitat Enhancement
Purpose: To provide water for bighorn sheep and other wildlife
Budget: $64,687
Organization: University of California Davis
Years: 2017 - 2019
Species: Multiple
Type of Project: Monitoring
Purpose: Technical support for genomics sample processing and sequencing.
Budget: $70,860
Organization: Wild Sheep Foundation
Years: 2018
Species: Bighorn Sheep
Type of Project: Research
Purpose: To develop unmanned aerial survey methods for bighorn sheep.
Budget: $16,500
Organization: Air Shasta
Years: 2018
Species: Multiple
Type of Project: Support
Purpose: Helicopter rental
Budget: $70,152
Organization: United States Department of Agriculture - Animal Services
Years: 2018
Species: Mountain Lion
Type of Project: Research
Purpose: Technical assistance, handler, and dog team to capture and collar mountain lions.
Budget: $9,000
Organization: University of Washington
Years: 2018
Species: Mountain Lion
Type of Project: Research
Purpose: Use of scat detection dogs to monitor mountain lions
Budget: $97,324
Organization: University of California Davis
Years: 2018 - 2020
Species: Mule Deer, Elk, and Black Bear
Type of Project: Technical Support
Purpose: Genetic analysis of fecal DNA samples from big game species to support capture-recapture abundance estimates.
Budget: $1,000,000
Organization: Air Shasta Rotor and Wing
Years: 2018 - 2019
Species: Mule Deer, Elk, Bighorn Sheep, Pronghorn
Type of Project: Technical Support
Purpose: Helicopter service for aerial surveys of big game
Budget: $3,500,000
Organization: Society for the Conservation of Bighorn Sheep
Years: 2019
Species: Bighorn Sheep
Type of Project: Habitat Enhancement
Purpose: To provide water for bighorn sheep
Budget: $28,099
Organization: Wild Sheep Foundation
Years: 2019
Species: Bighorn Sheep
Type of Project: Disease Monitoring
Purpose: To monitor disease in bighorn sheep populations
Budget: $79,546
Organization: Leading Edge Aviation
Years: 2019 - 2021
Species: Mule Deer, Elk, Pronghorn, Bighorn Sheep
Purpose: Helicopter Captures
Budget: $2,668,766
Organization: Leading Edge Aviation
Years: 2019 - 2021
Species: Bighorn Sheep
Purpose: Helicopter captures
Budget: $660,000
Organization: California Deer Association
Years: 2019 - 2021
Species: Mule Deer
Type of Project: Habitat Enhancement
Purpose: To enhance habitats for mule deer through conifer removal and meadow enhancement
Budget: $640,030