Any school is eligible to participate in the program. Schools with a pre-existing watershed study program are most desirable, but any school with a highly motivated teacher and supporting administration is encouraged to apply.
See Parameters for Partners (PDF) for school based programs.
Classroom Watershed Education Training (provided by the teacher)
Schools are selected on their willingness to follow the guidelines in Parameters for Partners (PDF). It is desirable to have an entire grade level participate.
If you lack training and curriculum, it can be provided to you. CDFW can assist you or you may take one of many programs already offered in the San Francisco Bay Area such as “Kids in Creeks, BioSite, Project WILD, Trout in the Classroom, just to name a few. Teachers develop and implement (independently or with assistance) a series of lessons highlighting the importance of clean aquatic habitat. It is desirable for this to include discussion of personal actions and responsibilities in maintaining these habitats. Educational Resources and Curriculum (PDF)
Classroom Fishing Instruction (provided by the sponsoring service club)
The sponsoring service club goes into the class to teach basic fishing skills a few days prior to the fishing event. It takes about 60-90 minutes per class to cover safety, ethics, knots, casting and rigging.
A Day of Fishing (provided by all the partners)
The students are brought to a local lake for a day of fishing; This generally is on a Saturday. When they arrive, students are greeted by service club members who “assist” them in rigging their rods. They then spend their morning fishing. A lunch is usually provided when the fishing is concluded.
Each student receives a stocked tackle box and a copy of the “Kids Book of Fishing” to help maintain their interest and skills.
Correlations to California Educational Standards
You can use Fishing in the City (FIC) to help meet the requirements of the State Educational guidelines. As a part of your class’s involvement in the FIC program, you are expected to provide an over on watersheds prior to the event where your class goes fishing.
Learning To Fish - Fishing To Learn: A Third Grade Fishing Curriculum