Tutorials and Training by Program The following training videos and documents provide the basic information needed to get started using our applications and data. California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) / RareFind CNDDB Overview (Video - 32 min.): Essential information for anyone who uses the California Natural Diversity Database. Provides details on what the CNDDB includes, how occurrences are mapped, ranking systems, appropriate use of the data, and an introduction to available tools and products. Skip to specific sections within the video: Introduction (Video - 3 min.) What CNDDB tracks (Video - 5 min.) Data workflow (Video - 7 min.) Mapping EOs (Video - 6 min.) Interpreting EOs (Video - 5 min.) Tools and Products (Video - 3 min.) Uses of CNDDB data (Video - 1.5 min.) Wrap-up (Video - 1.5 min.) Accessing CNDDB and Spotted Owl Data Using BIOS and RareFind (Video - 30 min.): A demonstration of how to use BIOS and RareFind to access CNDDB and Spotted Owl data. Skip to specific sections within the video: Introduction (Video - 0.5 min.) Identifying species in quads of interest (Video - 5 min.) Exploring unprocessed data (Video - 7 min.) Reviewing CNDDB occurrences (Video - 5.5 min.) Interacting with RareFind (Video - 4 min.) Accessing spotted owl information in RareFind and BIOS (Video - 3 min.) Generating spotted owl reports (Video - 3 min.) Wrap-up (Video - 1.5 min.) RareFind 5 User Guide (PDF): A complete overview of every tool. RareFind 5 Demo (Video - 24 min.): A demonstration of how to query the CNDDB through the RareFind 5 web application. Using the CNDDB data in BIOS 6 (PDF): A demonstration of using the CNDDB dataset in BIOS 6. CNDDB QuickView Tool User Guide for BIOS 6 (PDF): A user guide for using the CNDDB QuickView tool in BIOS 6. Spotted Owl Observations Database (SPOWDB) Spotted Owl Observations Database Management Framework (PDF): Essential information for anyone who uses the Spotted Owl Observations Database. Provides details on what the SPOWDB includes, how activity centers and other observations are mapped and managed, appropriate use of the data, contributing data, and the Barred Owl Observations Database. Using the Spotted Owl Reports Tool in BIOS 6 (PDF): A guide to using the Spotted Owl dataset in BIOS 6 to generate reports. Biogeographic Information and Observation System (BIOS) BIOS 6 Basics (Video - 17 min): The BIOS Basics video tutorial describes the background, purpose, structure, and basic toolset in the web-based BIOS map viewer. The video includes instruction on the basics of navigating within the map frame, searching for and adding data, accessing metadata and downloads, identifying features within the data, and use of the CNDDB QuickView tool. Transcript (PDF). BIOS 6 Tools (Video - 7 min ): The BIOS Tools video tutorial covers commonly used tools in the web-based BIOS map viewer. This video includes instruction on the use and function of tools focusing on location information, making measurements, adding waypoints, saving bookmarks, and printing maps. This tutorial builds from the material in BIOS Basics. Transcript (PDF). BIOS 6 Advanced Tools (Video - 16 min): The BIOS Advanced Tools video tutorial covers the more advanced tools in the web-based BIOS map viewer. This video includes instructions on the use and function of data selections, creation of layer filters, building conditional queries, and CNDDB data reporting options. This tutorial builds from the material in BIOS Basics and BIOS Tools. Transcript (PDF). BIOS 6 Getting Started (PDF): Just the basics to get you going in BIOS 6. BIOS 6 Data Viewer User Guide (PDF): A complete overview of BIOS 6 functions and tools. Using the CNDDB data in BIOS 6 (PDF): A demonstration of using the CNDDB dataset in BIOS 6. CNDDB QuickView Tool User Guide for BIOS 6 (PDF): A user guide for using the CNDDB QuickView tool in BIOS 6. Conditional Statements Help (PDF): A list of operators and connectors as seen in the Select By Attributes tool and example conditional statements with their results. Coordinate Help (PDF): Provides basic information related to understanding and using latitude and longitude coordinates in BIOS. Explaining the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) (PDF): Basic information related to understanding and using the Public Land Survey System. Vegetation Classification and Mapping Program (VegCAMP) Survey of California Vegetation VegCAMP focuses on developing and maintaining maps and classifying all vegetation and habitats in the state to support conservation and management decisions at the local, regional, and state levels using the Survey of California Vegetation Standards. Modoc Plateau Vegetation Project and its Products (51 min.): An example of how a Survey of California Vegetation (SCV) project is conducted and what the completed products look like. Presentation (PDF) and Transcript (PDF). 00:04 – Introduction 02:23 – Project Scope 05:27 – Collaboration 09:12 – What is Vegetation? 12:34 – Field Sampling 15:46 – Classification analysis 25:29 – Map 40:52 – Report 45:45 – Project status 46:45 – Where to find the data 48:12 – Questions and answers Using Survey of California Vegetation Data Vegetation GIS examples in BIOS and ArcMap (35 min.): Examples of using vegetation data in BIOS and ArcMap. Downloadable exercises (PDF) and Transcript (PDF). Uses and Abuses of Vegetation Data (20 min.): Examples of uses and limitations of SCV-based maps; including minimum mapping units, crosswalks, and accuracy using examples from the Modoc Plateau mapping project and beyond. Presentation (PDF) and Transcript (PDF). Vegetation and Ecological Sites (44 min.): Using SCV vegetation products in NRCS Ecological Site Descriptions, State-and-Transition Models, and Rangeland Health data development using examples from the Modoc Plateau mapping project. Presentation (PDF) and Transcript. Sensitive Natural Communities Sensitive Natural Communities (24 min.): An overview of how we rank natural communities with a focus on the Modoc Plateau mapping project. Presentation (PDF) and Transcript (PDF). Sensitive Natural Communities Webinar (4 hrs, 9 min.). Description (PDF) and Transcript (PDF). Section 1 - Rachelle Boul, CDFW VegCAMP: Welcome, introductions, and vegetation and sensitive natural communities overview (PDF). Section 2 - Julie Evens, CNPS Vegetation Program: Sensitive Communities Definition and Ranking (PDF). Section 3 - Betsy Harbert, CDFW VegCAMP: Sources of Data & Tools & Online Information: Where to find them, how to use them (PDF). Section 4 - Greg O’Connell, CDFW Region 1: Addressing Vegetation in Environmental Review (PDF). Section 5 - Laurie Koteen, California Coastal Commission: Treatment of Sensitive Natural Communities by the California Coastal Commission (PDF). Section 6 - Allison Schichtel, Sonoma Ag + Open Space: Vital Lands Initiative & Protecting Sensitive Natural Communities in Sonoma County (PDF). Section 7 - Shelly Benson, CNPS, Vegetation Program: Mapping Sensitive Natural Communities in Grassland Habitat (PDF). Section 8 - Teresa Sholars, CNPS, Mendocino College: Mendocino cypress in Mendocino and Sonoma counties (PDF). Sensitive Natural Communities Webinar Q&A (PDF). Training Opportunities Training sessions on using the BIOS Viewer are being offered virtually through Microsoft Teams. Active CNDDB Subscribers can contact BDB@wildlife.ca.gov for more information.