Biogeographic Data Branch Tutorials and Training

Tutorials and Training by Program

The following training videos and documents provide the basic information needed to get started using our applications and data.

California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) / RareFind

Spotted Owl Observations Database (SPOWDB)

Biogeographic Information and Observation System (BIOS)

Vegetation Classification and Mapping Program (VegCAMP)

Survey of California Vegetation

VegCAMP focuses on developing and maintaining maps and classifying all vegetation and habitats in the state to support conservation and management decisions at the local, regional, and state levels using the Survey of California Vegetation Standards.

Using Survey of California Vegetation Data

Sensitive Natural Communities

Training Opportunities

Training sessions on using the BIOS Viewer are being offered virtually through Microsoft Teams. Active CNDDB Subscribers can contact for more information.

Biogeographic Data Branch
Physical Address: 1700 9th Street, 4th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95811
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090
(916) 322-2493 |