Red Abalone FMP - Frequently Asked Questions

Red Abalone Fishery Management Plan

What is a "fishery management plan"?

It is a planning document that contains all the necessary information to make informed decisions to sustainably manage a species while allowing harvest opportunities. Under the Marine Life Management Act (MLMA), fishery management plans will evaluate and consider:

  • Biological information about the marine resources under consideration
  • Habitat needs and issues
  • Economic and social factors related to the fishery
  • An account of fishing activity
  • Conservation and management measures already in place
  • The ecological role of the resource
  • The environmental effects that may have to be considered
  • Fishery research protocols
  • The most appropriate management tools for a sustainable fishery
  • Procedures for amending the FMP to allow for possible adaptation in the future

What is the "Master Plan"?

The Master Plan is literally a "road map" of how California fisheries will be managed. Specifically, the Master Plan includes:

  • A prioritized list of fisheries in need of fishery management plans
  • A process for involving the public in developing fishery management and research plans
  • A description of the essential fishery information that will be needed to effectively manage the top priority fisheries
  • A process for amending or revising the various plans.

The Master Plan is a first step in making clear and explicit, the complex process of fisheries management. View the Master Plan.

What is the format of a fishery management plan?

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Marine Region (Region 7)
Regional Manager: Dr. Craig Shuman
Main Office: 20 Lower Ragsdale Drive, Suite 100, Monterey, CA  93940
Email CDFW's Marine Region  |  (831) 649-2870
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