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    • June 28, 2018

    CDFW has posted two depredation investigation reports from June 17, 2018 to the CDFW Gray Wolf web page.

    Categories: Uncategorized
    • June 19, 2018

    CDFW has posted a depredation investigation report from June 10, 2018 to the CDFW Gray Wolf web page.

    Categories: Uncategorized
    • June 13, 2018

    CDFW has posted a depredation investigation report from June 1, 2018 to the CDFW Gray Wolf web page.

    Categories: Uncategorized
    • June 11, 2018

    CDFW has posted two depredation investigation  reports from May 26, 2018 to the CDFW Gray Wolf web page.

    Categories: Uncategorized
    • April 16, 2018

    The CDFW Gray Wolf website has new information posted in the document titled “California’s Known wolves – Past and Present.”

    Categories: Uncategorized
    • April 6, 2018

    CDFW has posted a depredation investigation report to the CDFW Gray Wolf web page, confirming that members of the Lassen wolf pack recently attacked a calf that was later euthanized due to the extent of its injuries.

    Categories: Uncategorized
    • April 6, 2018

    The CDFW Gray Wolf website has new information posted in the document titled "California’s Known wolves – Past and Present."

    Categories: Uncategorized
    • February 1, 2018

    On or around January 24, a gray wolf wearing a GPS tracking collar crossed the Oregon-California state line in eastern Siskiyou County. Dubbed OR-54, the young female is a member of the Oregon’s Rogue pack, which utilizes portions of Jackson and Klamath counties. She was trapped and collared by Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) biologists in October. At that time, she weighed 83 pounds. Her departure from the pack’s territory suggests that she may now be dispersing, or exploring new ground in search of a mate or another pack. OR-54 was likely sired by OR-7, the famous wolf that traveled widely in northern California in 2012 and 2013 before returning to Oregon, finding a mate, and establishing the Rogue pack. OR-54 is the fourth Rogue pack wolf known to have spent time in California. CDFW wolf managers are in close communication with their ODFW counterparts, and ODFW is sharing OR-54’s location data with CDFW. CDFW will closely monitor her locations as long as she remains in California.

    Categories: Uncategorized
    • December 7, 2017

    CDFW has posted an additional depredation investigation report to the CDFW Gray Wolf page (

    Categories: Uncategorized
    • November 17, 2017

    CDFW has posted three more depredation investigation reports to CDFW’s gray wolf web page.

    Categories: Uncategorized

    Wildlife Branch - Wildlife Diversity Program
    1010 Riverside Parkway, West Sacramento, CA 95605