Shellfish Health Laboratory Publications

  • 2020
    • Wasson K., Fabian R. A., Fork S., Stanganelli J., Mize Z., Beheshti K., Jeppesen R., Jones I. J., Zabin C. J., Walker S., Lummis S. C., Emery M., Moore J. D., Endris C., Jolette D., Byers J. E. 2020. Multiple factors contribute to the spatially variable and dramatic decline of an invasive snail in an estuary where it was long-established and phenomenally abundant. Biological Invasions 22:1181–1202.
  • 2019
    • Moore J. D., Byron S. N., Marshman B. C., Snider J. P. 2019. An oxytetracycline bath protocol to eliminate the agent of withering syndrome, Candidatus Xenohaliotis californiensis, in captive abalone populations. Aquaculture 503:267-274.
  • 2018
  • 2017
    • Vater, A. W. 2017. Investigation of Candidatus Xenohaliotis californiensis in axenic culture, phage-related developments in pathogenesis, and integrative pedagogical practices. Master of Science in Integrative Pathobiology Thesis, UC Davis.
    • Cicala F., Moore J. D., Caceres-Martinez J., del Rio-Portilla M., Hernandez-Rodriguez M., Vasquez-Yeomans R., Rocha-Olivares A. 2017. Multigenetic characterization of ‘ Candidatus Xenohaliotis californiensis. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 67:42-49.
  • 2016
    • Moore J. D., Marshman B. C., Obernolte R., and Abbott R. 2016. Sexual development and symbionts of native Olympia oysters Ostrea lurida naturally settled on cultch deployed in San Francisco Bay, California (PDF). California Fish and Game 102:100-118.
    • Schott K. C., Krusor C., Tinker M. T., Moore J., Conrad P. A., Shapiro, K. 2016. Concentration and retention of Toxoplasma gondii surrogates from seawater by red abalone (Haliotis rufescens). Parasitology 143:1703-1712.
    • Rogers-Bennett L., Aquilino K. M., Catton C. A., Kawana S. K., Walker B. J., Ashlock L. W., Marshman B. C., Moore J. D., Taniguchi I. K., Gilardi K. V., Cherr, G. N. 2016. Implementing a restoration program for the endangered white abalone (Haliotis sorenseni) in California. Journal of Shellfish Research 35:611-618.
  • 2014
    • Snider J. P., Moore J. D., Byron S. N, Volkoff M. C. 2014. Assessment of quagga mussel (Dreissena bugensis) veliger survival under thermal, temporal and emersion conditions simulating overland transport (PDF). California Fish and Game 100:640-651.
    • Hill K. M., Stokes N. A., Webb S. C., Hine P. M., Kroeck M. A., Moore J. D., Morley M. S., Reece K. S., Burreson E. M., Carnegie R. B. 2014. Phylogenetics of Bonamia parasites based on small subunit and internal transcribed spacer region ribosomal DNA sequence data. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 110:33-54.
    • Crosson L. M., Wight N., VanBlaricom G. R., Kiryu I., Moore J. D., Friedman C. S. 2014. Withering syndrome: distribution, impacts, current diagnostic methods and new findings. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 108:261-270.
  • 2013
  • 2012
    • Elston R. A., Moore J., Abbott C. A. 2012. Denman Island Disease (causative agent Mikrocytos mackini) in a new host, Kumamoto oysters Crassostrea sikamea. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 102:65-71.
  • 2011
    • Moore J. D., Juhasz C. I., Robbins T. T. 2011. A histopathology survey of California oysters (PDF). California Fish and Game 97:68-83.
    • Moore J. D., Marshman B. C., Chun C. S. Y. 2011. Health and survival of red abalone, Haliotis rufescens, from San Miguel Island, California, USA, in a laboratory simulation of La Niña and El Niño conditions. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 23:78-84.
  • 2010
    • Rogers-Bennett L., Dondanville R. F., Moore J. D., Vilchis L. I. 2010. Response of red abalone reproduction to warm water, starvation, and disease stressors: Implications of global warming. Journal of Shellfish Research 29:599-611.
  • 2009
    • Moore J. D., Juhasz C. I., Robbins T. T, Vilchis I. 2009. Green abalone, Haliotis fulgens, infected with the agent of withering syndrome do not express disease signs under a temperature regime permissive for red abalone, Haliotis rufescens. Marine Biology 156:2325-2330.
  • 2008
    • Rosenblum E. S., Robbins T. T., Scott B. B., Nelson S., Juhasz C., Craigmill A., Tjeerdema R. S., Moore J. D., Friedman C. S. 2008. Efficacy, tissue distribution, and residue depletion of oxytetracycline in WS-RLP infected California red abalone Haliotis rufescens. Aquaculture 277:138-148.
  • 2007
    • Moore J. D., Juhasz C. I., Robbins T. T., Grosholz E. D. 2007. The introduced sabellid polychaete Terebrasabella heterouncinata in California: transmission, methods of control and survey for presence in native gastropod populations. Journal of Shellfish Research 26:869-876.
  • 2006
    • Ciocan C. M., Rotchell J. M., Moore J. D. 2006. The role of cancer genes in the development of haemic neoplasia in Mytilus sp. Marine Environmental Research S147-S150.
    • Moore J. D. 2006. Bonamiasis of oysters. In: Suggested procedures for the Identification of Certain Fish and Shellfish Pathogens, 6th ed. Fish Health Section, American Fisheries Society.
  • 2005
    • Vilchis L. I., Tegner M. J., Moore J. D., Friedman C. S., Riser K. L., Robbins T. T., Dayton P. K. 2005. Ocean warming effects on growth, reproduction, and survivorship of southern California abalone. Ecological Applications 15:469-480.
    • Rosenblum E. S., Viant M. R., Braid B. A., Moore J. D., Friedman C. S., Tjeerdema R. S. 2005. Characterizing the metabolic actions of natural stressors in the California red abalone, Haliotis rufescens using 1H NMR metabolomics. Metabolomics 1:199-209.
    • Braid B. A., Moore J. D., Robbins T. T., Hedrick R. P., Tjeerdema R. S., Friedman C. S. 2005. Health and survival of red abalone, Haliotis rufescens, under varying temperature, food supply, and exposure to the agent of withering syndrome. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 89:219-231.
  • 2002
    • Moore J. D., Finley C. A., Robbins T. T., Friedman C. S. 2002. Withering syndrome and restoration of Southern California abalone populations. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports 43:112-117.
    • 2001
    • Moore J. D., Cherr G. N., Friedman C. S. 2001. Detection of “Candidatus Xenohaliotis californiensis” (Rickettsiales-like procaryote) inclusions in tissue squashes of abalone (Haliotis spp.) gastrointestinal epithelium using a nucleic acid fluorochrome. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 46:147-152.
    • Moore J. D., Robbins T. T., Hedrick R. P., Friedman C. S. 2001. Transmission of the Rickettsiales-like procaryote “Candidatus Xenohaliotis californiensis” and its role in withering syndrome of California abalone Haliotis spp. Journal of Shellfish Research 20: 867-874.
  • 2000
    • Antonio D. B., Andree K. B., Moore J. D., Friedman C. S., Hedrick R.P. 2000. Detection of Rickettsiales-like prokaryotes (RLPs) by in situ hybridization in black abalone Haliotis cracherodii with Withering Syndrome. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 75(2):180-182.
    • Friedman C. S., Andree K. B., Beauchamp K., Moore J. D., Robbins T. T., Shields J. D., Hedrick R. P. 2000. “Candidatus Xenohaliotis californiensis”, a newly described pathogen of abalone, Haliotis spp., along the west coast of North America. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 50:847-855.
    • Moore J. D., Robbins T. T., Friedman C. S. 2000. Withering syndrome in farmed red abalone, Haliotis rufescens: Thermal induction and association with a gastrointestinal Rickettsiales-like procaryote. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 12:26-34.
    • Andree K. B., Friedman C. S., Moore J. D., Hedrick R. P. 2000. A polymerase chain reaction for detection of genomic DNA of a Rickettsiales-like prokaryote associated with Withering Syndrome in Black Abalone (Haliotis cracherodii). Journal of Shellfish Research 19:213-218.

Note: Current Shellfish Health Lab staff are noted in bold.

CDFW Shellfish Health Laboratory
c/o Bodega Marine Laboratory
P.O. Box 247
2099 Westshore Road
Bodega Bay, CA 94923
(707) 875-2067