Accordion side navigation Shellfish Health Laboratory Disease and Pest Monitoring Methods and Techniques Abalone Diseases and Pests Bivalve Diseases and Pests Quagga and Zebra Mussel Early Detection Program White Abalone Recovery Project Native Oyster Restoration Shellfish Health Lab Publications Staff and Contact Information Additional Reference Disease and Pest Monitoring Ongoing Monitoring and Management Activities Surveillance, diagnosis, distribution, and characterization of disease agents in farmed and wild shellfish populations Distribution of the agent of abalone withering syndrome and its effects on wild abalone populations Certification of abalone culture facilities and public aquaria as "sabellid worm-free" Verification that invasive sabellid worms have not become established in wild gastropod populations Treatment of research and public aquarium effluent to prevent the release of pathogens and non-indigenous species Health of bivalve larvae and seed imported from out-of-state hatcheries Management of in-state shellfish transfers Development of regulations to manage shellfish disease Management of marine animal outplanting for research and species recovery programs Health and recovery of federal ESA-listed white abalone and black abalone Surveillance of California waterways for the presence of invasive freshwater (quagga and zebra) mussels Bags of oyster cultch from Washington State being unloaded for inspection in Eureka. Black abalone survey in Carmel