Quagga/Zebra Mussel News

December 7 - Quagga/Zebra Mussel Prevention Program Webinar
  • November 15, 2021

California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) invites water managers to attend an interactive webinar describing the content required in a Quagga/Zebra Mussel Prevention Plan and the resources available to those who manage waterbodies or recreation. The webinar will be Tuesday, December 7, 2021, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. using Microsoft Teams (a phone number will be available for those without computer access). To register, send names and email addresses of attendees to Elizabeth Brusati, Elizabeth.Brusati@wildlife.ca.gov by Friday, December 3. The webinar link will be emailed on December 6. The webinar will be recorded. Read the agenda here (PDF).

Topics will include:

  • Benefits of Investing in Preventing the Introduction and Spread of Mussels
  • Code and Regulations: What is Required of Water Managers
  • How to Prepare a Prevention Plan
  • CA State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways Quagga and Zebra Mussel Infestation Prevention Grant Program
  • How CDFW Regional Staff Can Help You

Before the webinar, we suggest attendees review “Guidance for Developing a Dreissenid Mussel Prevention Program” (PDF) and “Recommended Minimum Dreissenid Mussel Early Detection Monitoring” (PDF) on our Quagga/Zebra Mussel Prevention Programs web page.

Categories: General

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Fisheries Branch
Branch Chief: Jay Rowan
1010 Riverside Parkway, West Sacramento, CA 95605