Quagga/Zebra Mussel News

  • February 10, 2023

On January 6, 2023, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (Metropolitan) detected a single quagga mussel veliger using cross-polarized microscopy in a large volume plankton net sample collected at Metropolitan’s Foothill Feeder Pressure Control Structure, which is downstream of Castaic Lake. The veliger was confirmed as a quagga mussel by PCR and DNA sequencing.

Adult quagga mussels were previously detected by the California Department of Water Resources in Castaic Lake in August 2021.

For questions specific to Metropolitan’s facilities and response, please contact Paul Rochelle, Water Quality Section Manager, at (909) 392-5155.

For questions regarding CDFW’s response, please contact CDFW’s hotline at (866) 440-9530.

Categories: General
  • December 13, 2021

The following grant opportunity may be a way to support quagga/zebra mussel programs at waters in California. Please see California Grant Portal for eligibility requirements. Application deadline 12/31/2021.

Division of Boating and Waterways Law Enforcement Financial Aid Program

  • Grantor: Department of Parks and Recreation
  • Departmental Grant ID: 22SUB000-00 Through 22SUB000-39
  • Portal ID: 7901
  • Status: Active
  • Opportunity Type: Grant
  • Purpose: Assist local government agencies with funding for marine law enforcement.
  • Description: This program provides state financial aid to local government agencies whose waterways have high usage of boaters and insufficient tax base to fully fund a marine law enforcement boating safety program.

Eligibility Requirements

Eligible Applicants:

  • Public Agency
  • Local government agencies (counties and/or cities that fall within that county)

Eligible Geographies: California

Categories: General
  • December 13, 2021

The following information is being forwarded on behalf of the California State Parks' Division of Boating and Waterways:


California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) expects to open the application window for the 2022 Quagga and Zebra Mussel Infestation Prevention Program Grant Cycle in March 2022, subject to available funds.

Minimum Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Grant applicant must own/manage any aspect of the water in a reservoir;
  2. The reservoir must be open to the public for recreation; and
  3. Grant applicant must demonstrate that the reservoir is uninfested with dreissenid mussels.

To demonstrate that the reservoir is uninfested, applicants must provide mussel monitoring data collected since March 2021. Monitoring data can be from surface surveys, artificial substrates, and plankton tows.

Tier 2 Implementation Grant:

  • To be eligible for an implementation grant, applicants must provide a letter from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) at the time of application that states CDFW has reviewed and accepted a prevention plan for the reservoir (per Fish and Game Code Section 2302 and California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 672.1(b)).

Tier 1 Planning and Assessment Grant:

  • Applicants that do not already have a CDFW-accepted prevention plan can apply for a planning and assessment grant in order to develop a CDFW-accepted prevention plan for the reservoir.

For questions regarding quagga/zebra mussel monitoring, or for prevention planning, including how to obtain a letter from CDFW, contact CDFW at Invasives@wildlife.ca.gov or Telephone: (866) 440-9530.

A Solicitation Notice including specific dates and application information will be sent prior to opening of the grant application window. The notice will also be posted on the DBW website.

Categories: General

Fisheries Branch
1010 Riverside Parkway, West Sacramento, CA 95605 | Fisheries@wildlife.ca.gov