Quagga/Zebra Mussel News

  • April 12, 2023

The following information is being forwarded on behalf of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service:

The Funding Opportunity for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife QZAP FY2023 has officially been posted. The total funding amount for projects is approximately $2,200,000.00, which is similar to last year. There has been significant change in the application process over the past three years, resulting from our transition to GrantSolutions.gov. This opportunity will be open for application through June 12, 2023.

Applications will need to be submitted through grantsolutions.gov, and you will need to create a login and password to access the system. There are recipient tutorials online linked below. Below are the steps you will need to take to access and locate the funding announcement. The funding announcement number is F23AS00319 and the full title is "F23AS00319 FY2023 Implementation of the Quagga and Zebra Mussel Action Plan (QZAP) in the Western United States - 2023".

Please disseminate this opportunity to all interested parties. Please feel free to reach out to Barak Shemai, USFWS Invasive Species Coordinator, at barak_shemai@fws.gov. The opportunity can also be found at grants.gov but applications may NOT be submitted through grants.gov.



  • Sign into grantsolutions.gov
  • Go to the Funding Opportunities page
  • Once there use CTRL + F to search the name of the opportunity "name in full" or "QZAP"
  • You should see the QZAP opportunity - Select Apply on the far right

Links to the recipient training videos:

Link to general information:


Categories: General
  • April 12, 2023

The following information is being forwarded on behalf of the California State Parks' Division of Boating and Waterways:


A Presentation will be conducted via MS Teams on:

April 13, 2023 10:00 a.m. to noon

The application window is

April 10, 2023 to May 19, 2023

The Solicitation Notice, pre-registration for the On-Line Grant Application (OLGA) system, Guidelines, Presentation materials, and other QZ Grant documents for the 2023 Grant Cycle, are now available on the DBW website: dbw.ca.gov/QZGrant.

Presentation: The Presentation will give an overview of the QZ Grant Program, including eligibility requirements and information related to the utilization of the OLGA system.

RSVP: As a courtesy, please RSVP for the Presentation by April 7, 2023, to QZGrant@parks.ca.gov with the following information:

  1. Name of Attendee(s)
  2. Agency
  3. Phone Number
  4. E-mail address
  5. Questions (submitting questions in advance is appreciated)

Preparation: Interested applicants should do the following with the information available on our web page:

  • Pre-register for OLGA access following the OLGA Step-by-Step Instructions.
    • Review "Application Materials," including the pre-recorded OLGA Instructional Webinar.
    • Access the 2023 Presentation Notice and QZ Grant Presentation slides under "Grant Announcements."

For questions specific to quagga/zebra mussel monitoring, or for prevention planning, contact our sister agency, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, at Invasives@wildlife.ca.gov or (866) 440-9530.

Categories: General
  • March 6, 2023
youth art contest winning entry depicting invasive species

Deadline May 1, 2023

Theme: "Think Ahead; Stop the Spread"

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is pleased to announce the 10th annual California Invasive Species Youth Art and Video Contest. This year’s theme, “Think Ahead; Stop the Spread,” encourages students to research ways to prevent the spread and impacts of invasive species and promote actions to protect the environment.

The contest is offered by CDFW’s Invasive Species Program in conjunction with California Invasive Species Action Week, June 3-11.

The art contest has three age divisions for youth in grades 2-4, 5-8 and 9-12. All types of art are welcome and encouraged, including (but not limited to): drawings, paintings and comic strips. Entries must reflect the 2023 theme: “Think Ahead; Stop the Spread.” The top three winners in each division will have entries announced on CDFW’s social media. All entrants will receive a certificate of participation.

The new video portion, open to grades 5-12, allows students to submit a 60 second video on the theme. Winning videos will be posted on CDFW’s YouTube channel.

The deadline for contest entries is May 1. All entries must be submitted electronically. Submission instructions can be found on CDFW’s Invasive Species Program website.

The goal of California Invasive Species Action Week is to increase public awareness of invasive species issues and encourage public participation in the fight against California’s invasive species and their impacts on our state’s natural resources and biodiversity.

Categories: General

Fisheries Branch
Branch Chief: Jay Rowan
1010 Riverside Parkway, West Sacramento, CA 95605