Quagga/Zebra Mussel News

  • February 12, 2019

The following information is being forwarded on behalf of the California State Parks, Division of Boating and Waterways. For assistance with development of quagga/zebra mussel prevention plans or questions about obtaining a letter of prevention plan acceptance, contact your local California Department of Fish and Wildlife quagga/zebra mussel scientist.

Quagga & Zebra Mussel Infestation Prevention Grant Program

The application window for the 2018/19 Quagga and Zebra Mussel Infestation Prevention Grant Program has been deferred to:

April 2, 2019 - May 10, 2019

This revised timeline will allow applicants to:

  • Gather the necessary ownership/management authority documentation;
  • Collect early detection mussel monitoring data;
  • Qualify for Tier 2 Implementation Grants, if applicable.

As stated previously, applicants, even returning applicants, will not be eligible for a Tier 2 Implementation Grant if they do not have a California Department of Fish and Wildlife accepted Prevention Plan.

A Solicitation Notice containing additional information regarding the webinar workshop (taking place in April 2019), the posting of the Grant Guidelines as well as other pertinent grant documents, and the accessibility of the On-Line Grant (OLGA) Application system, will be sent prior to opening of the grant application window stated above. The Notice will also be posted on the DBW website. The Program FAQs are currently posted on the State Parks website.

To Recap Previous 2018/19 QZ Grant Cycle Notices:

New for 2018/19 Applicants

  • Harbors and Navigation Code 676.1 (SB 790) broadened the eligibility to any person or entity that manages any aspect of the water in a reservoir.
  • To demonstrate that the reservoir is uninfested, applicants must provide mussel monitoring data collected between March 2018 and the date of application. Monitoring data can be from surface surveys, artificial substrates, and plankton tows.

Planning and Assessment Grant (Tier 1)

  • Maximum award amount: Up to $200,000
  • Applicants that do not already have a CDFW-accepted prevention plan can apply for a planning and assessment grant in order to develop a CDFW-accepted prevention plan for the reservoir that is compliant with Fish and Game Code Section 2302 and California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 672.1(b).

Implementation Grant (Tier 2)

  • Maximum award amount: Up to $400,000
  • To be eligible for an implementation grant, applicants must provide a letter from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) at the time of application that states CDFW has reviewed and accepted a prevention plan for the reservoir (pursuant to Fish and Game Code Section 2302 and California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 672.1(b)).

Friendly Reminders

Minimum Eligibility Requirements:

  • Grant applicant must own or manage a reservoir, or manage some aspect of the water in a reservoir, which could include but is not limited to the recreational aspect of the reservoir, where recreational activities are permitted, pursuant to Harbors and Navigation Code 676.1 and Fish and Game Code 2302.
  • Applicant must demonstrate that the reservoir is uninfested with quagga and zebra mussels; and
  • The reservoir must be open to the public.

For questions regarding quagga/zebra mussel monitoring, or for prevention planning, including how to obtain a letter from CDFW, contact CDFW at Invasives@wildlife.ca.gov or Telephone: (866) 440-9530.

To receive future QZ Grant notices, click here. For more information: www.dbw.ca.gov/QZGrant; email QZGrant@parks.ca.gov; phone (888) 326-2822.

Categories: General
  • November 19, 2018

The following information is being forwarded on behalf of the California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways:


California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) will open the application window for the 2018/19 Quagga and Zebra Mussel Infestation Prevention Grant Program in February 2019. link opens in new windowReceive future QZ Grant notices.

Minimum Eligibility Requirements:

  • Grant applicant must own/manage any aspect of the water in a reservoir where recreational activities are permitted;
  • Grant applicant must demonstrate that the reservoir is uninfested with dreissenid mussels;
  • and the reservoir must be open to the public.

What’s New?

  • SB 790 broadened the eligibility of implementation grants to entities that own or manage any aspect of the water in a reservoir.
  • To demonstrate that the reservoir is uninfested, applicants must provide mussel monitoring data collected since March 2018. Monitoring data can be from surface surveys, artificial substrates, and plankton tows.

Implementation Grant:
To be eligible for an implementation grant, applicants must provide a letter from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) at the time of application that states CDFW has reviewed and accepted a prevention plan for the reservoir (per Fish and Game Code Section 2302 and California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 672.1(b)).

Planning and Assessment Grant:
Applicants that do not already have a CDFW-accepted prevention plan can apply for a planning and assessment grant in order to develop a CDFW-accepted prevention plan for the reservoir.

For questions regarding quagga/zebra mussel monitoring, or for prevention planning, including how to obtain a letter from CDFW, contact CDFW at Invasives@wildlife.ca.gov or Telephone: (866) 440-9530.

A Solicitation Notice including specific dates and application information will be sent prior to opening of the grant application window. The notice will also be posted on the link opens in new windowDBW website.

Categories: General
  • November 16, 2018

The purpose of this notice is to provide prospective grant applicants with information about California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) resources available to meet the California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways’ (DBW) new Quagga/Zebra Mussel Infestation Mussel Prevention grant application requirements. The grant application window is quickly approaching in February 2019 – to ensure eligibility take action NOW.

Beginning with the 2018/2019 grant cycle, DBW has implemented the following changes in their grant program: 

  • There will be two categories of grants:
    • prevention planning and assessment
    • prevention plan implementation
  • No vulnerability assessment grants
    • However, vulnerability assessment funding may be included as a component of prevention program planning grant proposals
  • Prevention Plan implementation grant applicants must submit a copy of the letter from the CDFW stating that the Prevention Plan was reviewed and that it has been accepted.
  • Grant applicants must submit recent (March 2018 or later) mussel early-detection monitoring to demonstrate that the reservoir is not infested with dreissenid mussels.

Fish and Game Code Section 2302 and Title 14, Section 672.1 require that owners or manages of a reservoir assess the vulnerability of the reservoir to the introduction of dreissenid mussels, and develop and implement a program to prevent the introduction of dreissenid mussels. The program must include public education, monitoring, and management of recreational activities including boating and fishing, and be documented in the form of a written plan. Each plan must be submitted to CDFW, where it will be evaluated for compliance with the code and regulations. CDFW will provide a letter of acceptance once the plan is deemed compliant.

Tools available to help develop a Prevention Plan include:


Webinar: CDFW staff will host an interactive online webinar. The goal of the webinar is to discuss changes in the DBW grant requirements and CDFW resources available to assist in meeting the grant application requirements. The meeting will be conducted via Skype.


Please use the following conference call in number for audio:

  • Call in number: (877) 336-1831
  • Participant Code: 940704


If you have questions, please contact CDFW at invasives@wildlife.ca.gov or (866) 440-9530.

Categories: General

Fisheries Branch
1010 Riverside Parkway, West Sacramento, CA 95605 | Fisheries@wildlife.ca.gov