The Coho HELP Act sunsetted December 31, 2017. Moving forward, small Coho Salmon restoration and enhancement projects can be submitted to the CDFW Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Program (HREA). Thank you to those who participated in Coho Salmon habitat restoration through the Coho HELP Act.
The Coho HELP program went into affect on January 1, 2013. The legislation leading to this 5-year pilot program was in response to the continued decline of Coho Salmon, and the immediate need for stream habitat and passage improvements. Coho HELP was not a grants program. Parties interested in this alternative, permitting pathway were responsible for funding the projects.
The Coho HELP program was managed by Fisheries Branch, with assistance from Regional Fisheries and Habitat Conservation staff. Eighteen projects were completed from 2013 to 2018— two culvert removal projects, two streambank stabilization projects and 14 wood placement projects. All projects are located in CDFW Region One, north of the Gualala River (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Coho HELP project types and locations.

SF Garcia River in Mendocino County was enhanced with large wood using the accelerated recruitment method. Top: Before. Bottom: After.