HREA at-a-Glance. (click/tap to enlarge)
The Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Act (HREA) of 2014 (Fish & G. Code §§ 1650-1657) established a permitting process with CDFW for landowners, state and local governments, and conservation organizations seeking to implement small-scale, voluntary habitat restoration projects throughout California. Restoration and enhancement projects approved by CDFW, pursuant to HREA, do not require additional permits from CDFW, such as a Lake and Streambed Alteration agreement or California Endangered Species Act permit.
To qualify, HREA projects must:
Two permitting pathways are defined in Fish and Game Code:
- Section 1652 - This pathway is appropriate for projects that have not received 401 SHRP certification. CDFW has 60 days to determine if a 1652 request is complete and eligible for coverage under the HREA.
- Section 1653 - This pathway is appropriate for projects that have received 401 SHRP certification. CDFW has 30 days to determine if a 1653 request is complete and eligible for coverage under the HREA.
HREA Informational Flyer (PDF)
Online Submittal
To determine project eligibility and avoid delays, CDFW highly recommends pre-consultation with Regional staff prior to submitting an HREA request.
Electronic copies of completed HREA Request Forms (i.e., PDF) may be submitted to CDFW through the EPIMS Document Repository.
For more information visit the EPIMS web page.
CDFW is not required to determine whether the request is complete or otherwise begin processing the request until CDFW has received the correct HREA fee. If the HREA fee was paid through Online License Sales and Service, upload a copy of the sales receipt.
Paper Submittal
To determine project eligibility and avoid delays, CDFW highly recommends pre-consultation with Regional staff prior to submitting an HREA request.
Completed paper HREA Request Forms must be mailed to the local CDFW Regional Office.
Submit one hardcopy of the appropriate form, fee, and all attachments.
CDFW is not required to determine whether the request is complete or otherwise begin processing the request until CDFW has received the correct HREA fee. If the HREA fee was paid through Online License Sales and Service, include a copy of the sales receipt.
HREA fees follow the Lake and Streambed Alteration Fee Schedule. Please see the 2025 LSA Fee Schedule (PDF) for fee prices.
CDFW encourages applicants to make payments through Online License Sales and Service. In the menu, select the Habitat Restoration or Enhancement Act tab and pay the appropriate fee. NOTE: If paying HREA fees online, the credit card transaction will include a 5% handling fee that is not refundable.
Make check or money order out to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and delivered to local CDFW Regional Office with the appropriate HREA Request Form.