Native Fishes

Shoshone Pupfish, CDFW 

Shoshone pupfish

Sacramento Perch, CDFW image 

Sacramento perch

Tahoe Sucker, CDFW image 

Tahoe sucker

Clear Lake Hitch, Matt Young, USGS 

Clear Lake hitch

Tule Perch at Clear Lake, CDFW image 

Tule perch

Unarmored Threespine Stickleback 

unarmored threespine stickleback

Owens Pupfish, CDFW image 

Owens pupfish

Santa Ana Sucker, CDFW image 

Santa Ana Sucker


California's diverse aquatic habitats are home to over 130 native fish taxa across six major zoogeographic regions and over 20 distinct watersheds, including the Klamath River, Sacramento-San Joaquin, North Coast, Great Basin, South Coast, and Colorado River regions.

A map of the native freshwater fish richness across California with an inset map showing rare fish richness. Data sources are listed in the caption.
Freshwater Fish Richness from Atlas of the Biodiversity of California, Second Edition (PDF) CDFW. (Click to enlarge)

Most native fish occur in regions with higher water availability such as the perennial rivers, freshwater lakes, and artificial impoundments of the North Coast and Central Valley. Native fish are also found in extreme habitats such as the intermittent streams, desert springs, and alkaline lakes of the Great Basin region. The goal of our program is to prevent CESA-listing and extinction of California native fishes and promote their recovery.

What We Do

The core function of the Native Fishes Conservation and Management Program is the management and recovery of over 130 native California fishes, for their intrinsic value, cultural importance, and ecological integrity. At least 100 native fishes in California are either in decline, headed towards extinction, or are already extinct, representing 81% of California’s highly distinctive inland fish fauna. Program priorities include completing comprehensive five-year species reviews and annual reports for all CESA-listed fish species; developing recovery plans and conservation strategies to support alternatives to species listing; identifying and overseeing funding options for native fish species management and recovery activities; and encouraging public participation in research, conservation, recovery, and enjoyment of native fish species.

Threatened and Endangered Fishes

Cluster of Shortnose Suckers swimming over a rocky bottomed lake
Shortnose Sucker, USFWS photo, Jason Ching

We coordinate and participate in CDFW’s evaluation of petitions submitted to the California Fish and Game Commission for listing of fish under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA), and produce Five-Year Species Reviews for CESA-listed fishes. We also facilitate the preparation of listing and delisting proposals. We coordinate recovery and management actions within the Department, and with external partners, to benefit native fish species and support the habitat on which they depend. This involves facilitating grant funding, promoting research and coordinating at a statewide level to prioritize the allocation of resources to the species of greatest conservation need prior to meeting criteria for listing as threatened or endangered.

To receive updates about CESA-listed species, please sign up on the California Fish and Game Commission mailing list(opens in new tab).

Fish Species of Special Concern

We use the best available science and expertise to produce and update the Species of Special Concern report for California’s imperiled native fishes. The Third Edition was completed in 2015 in partnership with Dr. Peter Moyle and his team at the University of California, Davis, and includes species accounts for 62 taxa.

A Species of Special Concern (SSC) is a species, subspecies, or distinct population of an animal native to California that 1) is extirpated from the State or, in the case of birds, is extirpated in its primary season or breeding role; 2) is listed as Federally-, but not State-, threatened or endangered; meets the State definition of threatened or endangered but has not formally been listed; 3) is experiencing, or formerly experienced, serious, noncyclical population declines or long-term range retractions that, if continued or resumed, could qualify it for State threatened or endangered status; and/or 4) has naturally small populations exhibiting high susceptibility to risk from any factors, that if realized, could lead to declines that would qualify it for State threatened or endangered status.

The Fish Species of Special Concern include fish that are known to spawn in California's inland waters. The document contains a review of species not already listed under either federal or state endangered species acts. Species accounts were prepared for the 62 taxa determined to be of special concern to address the following: overall status, description, taxonomic relationships, life history, habitat requirements, distribution, trends in abundance, nature and degree of threats, effects of climate change, status determination (scoring) and management recommendations.

Scientific Research and Collection Permitting

Prior to starting a project associated with handling native fishes or altering their habitat, please review the Fisheries Research permits. Scientific Collecting Permits (SCP), Memoranda of Understanding (MOU), and federal authorizations (ESA 4(d) and 10(a)(1)(A)) may be required to carry out scientific, education, propagation, and management activities in which "take" is expected to occur. "Take" means hunt, pursue, catch, capture, or kill, or attempt to hunt, pursue, catch, capture, or kill (Fish and Game Code § 86). For more information, see the CDFW Fisheries Branch Research Permitting page.

Grant Programs and Available Funds

We assist with the solicitation, review, and selection for the federal State Wildlife Grant and Endangered Species Conservation and Recovery Grants. Additionally, we assist with the coordination and implementation of the State Wildlife Grant.

CDFW grant resources can be found on the Grant Opportunities page.

Rescue, Captive Propagation, and Translocation Planning

In 2017, CDFW developed captive propagation and conservation translocation policies. We review native fish translocation, captive propagation, and rescue plans to ensure consistency with CDFW’s policies and implementation of best practices.

CDFW Drought related projects and rescues can be found on the Drought Related Actions page.

Highlighted Projects

Sacramento Perch

Sacramento Perch being released into the water and swimming away from an orange bucket.

Sacramento Perch are our only native California sunfish and a Species of Special Concern. They are found displaced from their native Central Valley range in only about two dozen isolated waters mostly in remote parts of northern California and along the Eastern Sierra, where they support sport fisheries and are prized table fare. The Native Fishes program is deeply involved in not only conservation of the species, but also working to expand recreational opportunities. In August 2023, the first year of a three-year State Wildlife Grant, the Sacramento Perch team carried out several complex translocations involving around 300 fish in total. Sacramento Perch were translocated between Biscar Reservoir in Lassen County and Bridgeport Reservoir in Mono County to improve the genetic diversity of both populations. Fish from both reservoirs were also taken to a pond at the Woodland Regional Park Preserve to help reestablish the species within its historic range.

Additional information on Sacramento Perch Conservation

CDFW, County of San Diego Bring Sacramento Perch to Southern California to Create Future Urban Fishing Opportunity

Clear Lake Hitch

Three Clear Lake Hitch in shallow water and vegetation at the edge of the lake.

Clear Lake Hitch (Lavinia exilcauda chi) is a culturally important subspecies of minnow endemic to Clear Lake and its tributaries. Historically, the Clear Lake Hitch occurred in such great numbers that tributaries around Clear Lake overflowed with fish during their spawning migrations in spring. These annual migrations were an important event in which indigenous people from throughout the region would gather to harvest and dry this once abundant resource. The species was listed as threatened under the California Endangered Species Act in 2014 following a precipitous decline. Many factors were identified as contributing to the decline including early drying of streams attributed to surface and ground water diversions, reduced access to spawning habitat due to fish passage barriers, gravel mining and other streambed disturbance, predation and competition associated with non-native, and poor water quality. In August of 2022 tribal elders, leaders, citizens, and staff from tribal Environmental Protection Agencies (EPAs) provided public comments at the California Fish and Game Commission Tribal Committee and Commission Meeting. These comments focused on the continued decline of Clear Lake Hitch and resulted in Government-to-Government consultation with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). One outcome of this consultation was the formation of the Clear Lake Hitch Task Force which initially consisted of tribal leaders and EPA staff from the Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians, Robinson Rancheria Pomo Indians of California, Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake, Middletown Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California, Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians, and CDFW. The Task Force convened its first meeting on September 14th, 2022, with the goal of developing short-term actions to address the immediate needs of Clear Lake Hitch and developing long-term actions to support a resilient population and it has now grown to 15 agencies. Later that fall, the Fish and Game Commission suggested that the Task Force convene an emergency summit to bring tribal and agency leadership together to discuss a path forward. The summit was hosted by the Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians on December 8th, 2022, and resulted in commitments of staff and resources multiple local, state, and federal agencies. Following the Summit, the Task Force expanded to include all agencies in attendance. It continues to expand and coordinate conservation efforts at multiple levels and has now held several more successful summits.

Additional Information

Fisheries Branch
1010 Riverside Parkway, West Sacramento, CA 95605 |