Western Joshua Tree Conservation Plan - Tribal Engagement

CDFW is committed to collaboration with California Native American Tribes to ensure that co-management principles and traditional ecological knowledge are included in the plan. CDFW has been actively reaching out to California Native American Tribes regarding the plan and will also consult with any Tribe upon request. In addition, a recorded informational webinar on the WJTCA is now available for California Native American Tribes. We encourage any Tribe with interest in participating in the plan’s development to email WJT.TribalEngage@wildlife.ca.gov. CDFW deeply values this opportunity to collaborate.

Grant Opportunities

Financial security often becomes a barrier that leads to unintended inequities across tribes, and unequal access to meeting locations, including online access. To help provide support for meaningful tribal engagement, CDFW has partnered with the Native American Land Conservancy and received a grant from the Wildlife Conservation Board to provide stipends and reimbursements for tribal participation. For more information, please email WJT.TribalEngage@wildlife.ca.gov.

Timeline for Tribal Collaboration

  • November 17, 2023 - Informational Recording (see video below)
  • December 14, 2023 - WJTCA Webinar for Native American Tribes
  • February 22, 2024 – Notification Letter sent to NAHC contacts list for WJT range
  • Ongoing - One-on-One Consultation Meetings, Informational Meetings, CDFW-Sponsored facilitated meetings (internal for participating tribes)

Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090