The International Pacific Halibut Commission determines the quota for each management area. In Area 2A, which includes Washington, Oregon, and California, the quota is distributed by the National Marine Fisheries Service according to a Catch Sharing Plan (CSP). The three states negotiate and agree to the CSP. Under the current CSP, the California recreational fishery receives 4.0 percent of the non-tribal portion of the Area 2A quota. For a more in-depth explanation, please see Pacific Halibut Management Process on the CDFW website.
You can find the most recent CSP on the Pacific Fisheries Management Council (PFMC) Pacific halibut webpage. The CSP governs quota distribution and fishing regulations for Washington, Oregon, and California and is negotiated as part of the PFMC process.
The most effective way for the public to get involved is to voice your opinion about the CSP. Every September, the PFMC asks for proposals to modify the CSP. This is when CDFW can engage in proposing changes to the CSP.
To make your voice heard prior to the September PFMC meeting: