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When will the red abalone fishery open?

abalone, season, reopened, population, abundance, closure, recovery plan

CDFW does not have an estimate of when the red abalone fishery will reopen, but it is likely that sales of abalone cards will be limited when the fishery resumes. The condition of abalone populations is very poor, and it will probably take a long time before abalone populations can support past levels of fishing. Recent reports of abalone or fresh shells washing ashore during winter storm wave events indicate that mortality is still high. It is very unlikely a fishery will be reopened while abalone populations continue to decline. The circumstances under which the fishery can be reopened will be determined through action of the Fish and Game Commission which, in November 2022, directed CDFW to transition from developing a fishery management plan for red abalone to a species recovery plan. This change was made in response to the rapid decline of the red abalone population and subsequent closure of the recreational fishery. The goal of the Red Abalone Recovery Plan is to develop a robust, adaptive, climate ready strategy to support the recovery of the red abalone population to sustainable levels.

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Updated on Wed, 05 Jun 2024 by