The Eco-regional Biodiversity Monitoring (EBM) project is a long-term, large-scale monitoring program to inventory, monitor, and assess priority species and natural communities. Our goal is not only to identify species and habitats of greatest conservation need, but also to produce scientifically sound and quantitative data that can be used to inform land and wildlife management decisions.
This project spans two CDFW regions and encompasses four eco-regions (Klamath, Cascades, northern Sierra Nevada, and the Modoc plateau) on an 18.7 million acre study area. The project has been funded by State Wildlife Grants since its inception in the North Central Region in 2009.
EBM includes monitoring and data collection components for birds, vegetation, and mammals within each random survey plot.
Random sites are surveyed on National Forests and other public and private lands within CDFW’s North Central Region and the Sierra Nevada eco-region and selected from 6 elevation strata above 3,000 feet.