OSPR - Marine Safety Unit

Vessel Compliance Review

OSPR’s Marine Safety Unit is responsible for vetting the vessels planning to call California waters. This unit, in conjunction with the contingency plan unit, and the COFR unit, verifies that vessels are following OSPR’s regulations prior to entering CA waters.

PORTS - Physical Oceanographic Real Time System

PORTS, which is managed by NOAA’s National Ocean Service (NOS) is a tool that improves the safety and efficiency of maritime commerce and coastal resource management through the integration of real-time environmental observations, forecasts, and other geospatial information. OSPR provides funding via a grant to support the PORTS program and works in conjunction with the San Francisco Marine Exchange for the PORTS System in the San Francisco Bay Area. See additional PORTS information on the NOAA website.

Escort Tug Inspection Program (E-TIP)

OSPR’s Escort Tug Inspection Program (E-TIP), and the Alternate Compliance program is handled within the OSPR Prevention Branch. These programs assist Tug Owners/Operators with complying with OSPR Tug Regulations. Once reviewed and approved in either program, this information is provided to the clearing house at the Marine Exchange to show compliance, or to show new tug capabilities or braking force for use in Tug Escorting.


Reuben Macaspac
Email: Reuben.Macaspac@wildlife.ca.gov
Phone: (916) 375-5928

Office of Spill Prevention and Response
Mailing: P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090
(916) 375-8580 for OSPR Information

Email OSPR | Office Locations

Report Oil Spills
(800) 852-7550 or (800) OILS-911

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