Wildlife Conservation Board Funds Environmental Improvement and Acquisition Projects
Proctor Ranch Conservation Easement, WCB photo
At its Aug. 25, 2022 quarterly meeting, the Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) approved approximately $15.82 million in grants to help restore and protect fish and wildlife habitat throughout California. Some of the 17 approved projects will benefit fish and wildlife — including some endangered species — while others will provide public access to important natural resources. Several projects will also demonstrate the importance of protecting working landscapes that integrate economic, social and environmental stewardship practices beneficial to the environment, landowners and the local community.
Funding for these projects comes from a combination of sources, including the Habitat Conservation Fund and bond measures approved by voters to help preserve and protect California’s natural resources.
Funded projects include:
- A $360,000 grant to the Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County to acquire a conservation easement over approximately 321 acres of land for the protection of significant oak woodland and wildlife resources, including rangeland productivity and open space to support working landscapes while providing additional social, economic and environmental benefits, located near San Luis Obispo in San Luis Obispo County.
- An $881,058 grant to the Ventura County Resource Conservation District for a cooperative project with Ojai Valley Land Conservancy, Meiners Oaks Water District, City of Ojai, Senior Canyon Water District, Ventura River Water District, Merito Foundation, Watershed Progressive and Hicks Law to develop plans for over 200 multiple benefit projects to support enhanced flow throughout the Ventura River watershed in Ventura County.
- A $863,500 grant to the County of Los Angeles for a project to construct a new floating fishing pier at Puddingstone Reservoir, install Americans with Disabilities Act pathways and restrooms, and install multilingual interpretive signage, located on county-owned land in the city of San Dimas in Los Angeles County.
- A $1.29 million grant to Bear Yuba Land Trust to acquire a conservation easement over approximately 806 acres of land for the protection of water resources, wetlands, blue oak woodlands, and lacustrine and grassland habitat, located near the Penn Valley community in Nevada County.
- A $1.59 million grant to Great Basin Institute for a cooperative project with National Park Service and Sequoia Park Conservancy to enhance forest health and protect giant sequoia groves located in Sequoia Kings Canyon National Parks approximately 50 miles east of Fresno in Tulare County.
For more information about the WCB, please visit wcb.ca.gov.
Media Contacts:
John Donnelly, Wildlife Conservation Board, (916) 445-8448
Amanda McDermott, CDFW Communications, (916) 738-9641