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An ear-tagged black bear climbs a pine tree in the Lake Tahoe area.

The Tahoe Interagency Bear Team (TIBT) is a collective of bear experts across federal, state and local agencies who study and understand bears and have devoted much of their professional lives to ensure the health and well-being of the Lake Tahoe Basin’s black bears. TIBT provides proven and scientifically backed information about the real issues and solutions for living and recreating in bear country.

Tahoe bears may at times seem unique due to their learned lack of fear and boldness around humans (habituation), but these black bears follow the usual biological patterns of black bears across California and Nevada. Whether living in or visiting bear country at Lake Tahoe or beyond, this information should clarify what is really needed to help wild bears survive and thrive.

Don’t Let Your House Become a Makeshift Den

Many have seen photos and videos perpetuating the myth that property owners and residents should allow bears to den under homes and in crawl spaces. Some may have even seen people encourage this unwanted behavior by laying out hay and other materials for bears. Surprisingly, however, most homeowners aren’t even aware that a bear is under or around their home until it has already established a makeshift den.

Bears often damage the insulation, exposing pipes to freezing temperatures or even damaging them in the process. Once a bear gets comfortable, it can be difficult to make it leave. This increases the chances of human-bear conflict and habituated behavior.

Bears under homes need to be addressed by trained agency professionals as bears can be dangerous. If disturbed, mother bears with newborn cubs may abandon the den, orphaning the cubs in the process. For this reason, only a wildlife professional should evaluate the situation and offer advice to homeowners.

It’s important to remember that bears have evolved to comfortably survive winter without human help, so it is essential to board up all crawl spaces around homes to discourage them from denning and damaging property. For more information about securing crawl spaces, watch this TIBT video.

Secure Your Trash

Black bears are very resilient and adaptive animals, and, as opportunistic omnivores, they will take advantage of any available food source, including human supplied foods like garbage. Their highly developed sense of smell allows them to find these food sources, even when locked in a vehicle or a home, which in turn may lead bears into conflict with people.

Never Feed Bears – Intentionally or Accidentally

It is true that bears need a lot of calories, especially in preparation for winter, but giving them handouts will not set them up to thrive. Repeated exposure to human foods can lead to food-conditioned bears that view neighborhoods as reliable sources of food.

When mother bears teach their cubs to access human foods, they not only continue the cycle of human food-conditioning, but the cubs are much more prone to conflict, including being hit and killed by vehicles.

Consuming human garbage can also be harmful for bears because the high sugar content can increase tooth decay and painful abscesses. Additionally, intentionally feeding bears is illegal in both California and Nevada.

As omnivores, a bear’s diet is about 85 percent plant-based, with the remaining proportion coming from consuming insects, small mammals and carrion. Thus, bears should be allowed to fulfill their very important and vital ecological role as seed dispersers, predators and scavengers.

Black bears are smart. They have learned how to unscrew lids and open sliding-glass and vehicle doors. They are also strong. In order to access food, they can peel a car door down from the top or break through a typical home door or window. Even after an incident like the 2021 Caldor Fire, where a huge swath of vegetation was burned, wildlife biologists saw these resilient omnivores find natural ways to survive.

Protecting Human Life and Property

On rare occasions, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) must remove bears that are putting human life and property at risk. No one, including the agencies’ biologists who have dedicated their lives and careers to protecting bears, want this outcome. It is only used with great discretion and as a last resort.

Bears are large, strong animals and once they become conditioned to human foods or habituated to people, they pose a significant threat to human safety. For these reasons it is very important for people to be educated and dedicated to being “BearWise.” Learn how to live responsibly with black bears at the BearWise website.

It’s also important to note that except in the case of immediate protection of human life, the only people who can legally interact with wildlife are designated state agency or law enforcement professionals.

Protecting Bear Health and Wildness

It can be exciting to see a big, beautiful animal like a black bear in a neighborhood, but it is not where they belong. Human-developed areas pose many dangers to bears, particularly roads with cars, which bears must cross to get to the unhealthy human food and garbage in developed areas.

By allowing bears to comfortably live in or pass through neighborhoods, the chances that they will get struck and killed by vehicles increases immensely. If a bear is in your neighborhood, encourage it to move on by scaring it away so that it can lead a much safer life away from developed areas and conflict. For more information on bear-vehicle collisions, check out this TIBT video.

The TIBT is dedicated to creating the best environment for bears to thrive and remain wild in an ever-growing, ever-changing environment like the Lake Tahoe Basin.

CDFW and NDOW should be the only points of contact for any bear-related incidents or questions. CDFW and NDOW have trained black bear experts who can help navigate any human-bear conflicts.

Be sure to visit for accurate information about bears and to report any bear sightings or incidents.

To report bear incidents or conflict in the Lake Tahoe Basin, use the following:

  • In California, contact CDFW at 916-358-2917 or report online using the Wildlife incident Reporting (WIR) System.
  • Non-emergency bear collisions in California State Parks can be reported to public dispatch at 916-358-1300.
  • In Nevada, contact NDOW at 775-688-BEAR (2327).
  • If the issue is an emergency, call the local sheriff’s department or 911.

Thank you for helping keep Tahoe bears wild and safe!


Media Contact:
Peter Tira, CDFW Communications, (916) 215-3858


About the Tahoe Interagency Bear Team (TIBT)

The Tahoe Interagency Bear Team (TIBT) is a collaborative group of agencies and organizations trained and dedicated to reducing human-bear conflicts in the Tahoe Basin. The TIBT works together to promote bear safety through education, outreach, and the implementation of effective bear management practices. TIBT's efforts ensure that both bears and people can coexist peacefully in this beautiful region.

Categories:   Bears, Fire

Office of Communications, Education and Outreach
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(916) 322-8911