The ninth annual California Invasive Species Action Week (CISAW) runs from Saturday, June 4 through Sunday, June 12, 2022. Sponsored by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), this week provides an opportunity for Californians to learn about the hundreds of harmful non-native plants and animals that threaten our state’s natural resources, ecology and economy.

Historically, agencies, non-profits and volunteer organizations across the state have teamed up to host events for CISAW. As the COVID-19 pandemic subsides, the format now includes both in-person and virtual events such as webinars and videos. Volunteer opportunities can be found in all parts of the state, such as:
- Attend a habitat restoration event at Trinidad State Beach near Humboldt where volunteers will pitch in to pull up ivy and other invasive non-native species.
- Join Friends of Five Creeks in Berkeley in their efforts to eradicate invasive foxtails from near Codornices Creek.
- Protect the American River Parkway in Sacramento by removing broom with the American River Parkway Foundation.
- Help protect and restore coastal dune and bluff scrub habitats at Half Moon Bay State Beach by assisting with the removal of invasive cape ivy, mustard, thistles and hemlock from coastal scrub areas.
- Be a “Weed Warrior” at Cabrillo National Monument in San Diego, by assisting with efforts to remove non-native grasses and other invasive plants from the landscape.
Get details for these events and find many more by visiting the CISAW schedule on CDFW’s website.
You can also watch webinars and learn about how you can stop the spread of invasive species by taking small, everyday actions, such as landscaping with native plants, not releasing unwanted pets into the wild, reporting invasive species findings, and cleaning, draining and drying gear when recreating in bodies of water. The CISAW website lists simple actions Californians can take all year long while visiting natural areas, boating or fishing, or at home. Join our Digital Scavenger Hunt and track invasive species in your local neighborhood or park!
On Friday, June 10, CDFW will announce the winners of the annual California Invasive Species Youth Art Contest on social media. This year’s theme was “Unite to Fight Invasive Species!”
The mission of CDFW’s Invasive Species Program is to reduce the impacts of invasive species on the wildlands and waterways of California. The program is involved in efforts to prevent the introduction of these species into the state, detect and respond to introductions when they occur and prevent the spread of those species that have established. For questions or more information about CISAW, please contact
Media Contacts:
Elizabeth Brusati, CDFW Invasive Species Program
Kirsten Macintyre, CDFW Communications, (916) 804-1714
Photo: Two young estuary explorers plant whistlestop at Elkhorn Slough as part of an invasive species removal effort. CDFW photo.