Who: The California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (CDFW) Cannabis Program.
What, When and Where: On March 30, cannabis program staff will participate on a virtual panel titled “Supporting Legal Cannabis Farming in California - A Funder's Perspective” with the California Association of Resource Conservation Districts (CARCD). Additional details about the CARCD can be found at https://carcd.org/.
April 25-28, cannabis program staff will participate in person at the Salmonid Restoration Federation’s 40th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference. Multiple presentations are included in the session titled, “Evolving Policies and Tools to Advance Salmon Restoration: Flows, Cannabis, and Funding Opportunities,” including “How CDFW’s Cannabis Restoration Grant Program Can Contribute to Salmonid Restoration.” More details on the event and other presentations from CDFW can be found on the conference web page.
Why: CDFW’s Cannabis Program consists of permitting, grants, outreach, lands, monitoring and enforcement staff with a common goal to protect California’s natural resources. CDFW supports the regulated cannabis market and actively looks for ways to partner with the regulated community and other important partners to achieve conservation benefits. The partnerships create mutually beneficial relationships that ultimately protect and conserve California’s natural resources.
The Cannabis Restoration Grant Program (CRGP) is committed to promoting ecosystem restoration and ecological health throughout California in collaboration with a diversity of stakeholders. The program offers multiple funding opportunities for Tribes, public agencies and non-profit organizations interested in restoring ecosystem function, improving habitat connectivity and assisting cultivators become fully licensed and permitted. CRGP funded projects include enhancing fish and wildlife habitat for listed and sensitive species, restoring ecological resilience, improving water conservation and irrigation efficiency, road improvement projects that reduce sedimentation and sustainable agriculture practices. You can learn more about recent funding opportunities through CRGP’s latest announcement.
Media Contact:
Janice Mackey, CDFW Communications, (916) 207-7891