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2022-2024 News Releases

Two people stand in front of an archery target, one aiming a bow.

CDFW volunteer NASP instructor, Debbie W. trains new NASP teacher in Monterey, Calif.  

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (CDFW) National Archery in the Schools Program (CalNASP) will add 11 new extensions to its in-school target archery program for the 2023-24 school year. That’s a department record, since CalNASP’s inception in 2005. 

CalNASP is a target archery program designed to be taught by credentialed teachers and delivered to students in physical education or elective classes in grades 4-12. The program provides educators the opportunity to engage with participants through a sport that is inclusive of all students, no matter their skill level or ability.

“CalNASP allows true inclusion when it comes to students being able to participate in a team sport,” says CalNASP Coordinator, Leticia Palamidessi. “The very nature of the program is set up so that schools of any size or capacity can offer their students the opportunity to be a part of a team, and I’m proud more schools and more students will have this opportunity this year.”

CDFW’s CalNASP Equipment Grant provides new schools with a start-up archery equipment kit, training on how to use the equipment and curriculum resources to begin target archery classes. Prior to 2023, the most equipment grants awarded in one year by CDFW were 10, totaling roughly $32,000 per year.

“Not only did CDFW award the most equipment grants in program history in 2023, they also garnered the largest applicant pool as well,” said Palamidessi.

In 2023 the CalNASP Equipment Grant was awarded to five California high schools, and six elementary/middle schools. Two of the schools teach a large percentage of unhoused or foster youth, while another has 10 percent of its students with a documented disability. Adaptive equipment is available for students with physical disabilities who wish to participate in CalNASP.

Public, private, charter, continuation, home and special education schools can all apply for and administer CalNASP. The curriculum is aligned to the State Physical Education Standards and offers standards-based activities from other subject areas, such as Math, English and Language Arts.

To qualify for CDFW’s CalNASP Equipment Grant schools must get district approval to teach target archery during school hours as part of their everyday, in-school lessons. They must also submit a full application packet during the grant application cycle which runs from Sept. 1-June 30. Teachers administering the program will have to obtain an archery certification through CDFW prior to starting lessons.

For more information and to apply for the CalNASP Equipment Grant email:

*CalNASP is an affiliate of the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP™)—a nonprofit, international style archery program dedicated to providing students in grades 4-12 the opportunity to learn and participate in target archery.


Media Contact:
Leticia Palamidessi, State Coordinator, CalNASP

Categories:   Education

Office of Communications, Education and Outreach
P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090
(916) 322-8911