Restricted Species Permit Application/Amendment
New: $151.67
Renewal and Amendment: $78.54
Required for every new permit, permit renewal or amendment of an existing permit, nonrefundable.
Restricted Species Permit Inspection
1-5 Enclosures: $311.75
6-25 Enclosures: $437.25
26-50 Enclosures: $712.25
51-100 Enclosures: $1,119.50
101-500+ Enclosures: $4,130.50
Aquaculture: $2,072.50
ELE/MOU: $604.25
Required for every new permit or renewal of an existing permit. New and Renewal Inspection Fees Based on Number of Enclosures.
Animal Care (Detrimental Species)
Issued to any resident who has demonstrated the experience and ability to house animals designated as a detrimental species, and who legally possessed the animal in California prior to January 1992. The permittee may only possess and provide care for the animal(s) specifically listed on their Department approved permit inventory. No other activity is authorized except that which is medically necessary for the care of the animal.
Animal Care (Welfare Species)
Issued to any resident who has demonstrated the experience and ability to house an animal designated as a welfare species, and who legally possessed the animal in California prior to January 1992. The permittee may only possess and provide care for the animal(s) specifically listed on their Department approved permit inventory. No other activity is authorized except that which is medically necessary for the care of the animal.
Issued to any person who is a registered aquaculturist, pursuant to Section 235 to import, transport, possess and sell only those species listed on the Department approved permit inventory.
Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), Detrimental Species
Issued to any person accredited by the American Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) to import, transport, and possess only those species designated as detrimental and listed on the Department approved permit inventory for breeding, exhibition, or for bona fide scientific or public health research.
Issued to any resident who possesses the qualifications listed in Section 671.1(c)(1) to import, transport, and possess only those species listed on the Department approved permit inventory for breeding, but only if the Department determines the breeding will not result in unneeded or uncared for animals or the species is threatened or endangered.
Issued to any person who is a resident and is in the retail, wholesale or importation business of selling fish or aquaculture product only those species listed on the Department approved permit inventory.
Single Event Breeding for Exhibitors
Issued to any resident exhibitor who possesses the qualifications and establishes a need to conduct a one-time, single breeding of an animal, which is listed on the Department approved permit inventory. The permit may be renewed annually, but only upon written verification by a veterinarian accredited by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) that the breeding authorized by the former permit was not successful.
Resident Broker/Dealer
Issued to any resident to act as a broker or dealer in a transaction involving the buying and/or selling of restricted species, or who is the business of transporting restricted species within the state between permittees. Special Restrictions: Minimum Caging Period. Animals may be kept in transport caging for a period not to exceed 48 hours. An additional 48 hours may be approved by an enforcing officer or a veterinarian accredited by the USDA.
Nonresident Broker/Dealer
Issued to any nonresident to act as a broker or dealer in a transaction involving the buying and/or selling of restricted species, or who is the business of transporting restricted species within the state between permittees. Special Restrictions: (1) Minimum Caging Period. Animals may be kept in transport caging for a period not to exceed 48 hours. An additional 48 hours may be approved by an enforcing officer or a veterinarian accredited by the USDA. (2) The nonresident dealer shall only transport animals between permittees authorized by this Section or between AZA accredited institutions and permittees or ship them out of state in compliance with Federal guidelines.
Resident Exhibiting
Issued to any resident who is in the business of exhibiting animals and who possesses the qualifications listed in 671.1(c)(1) to import, transport, and possess only those species listed on the Department approved permit inventory for commercial exhibition purposes.
Nonresident Exhibiting
Issued to any nonresident who is in the business of exhibiting animals and who possesses the qualifications listed in 671.1(c)(1) to import, transport, and possess only those species listed on the Department approved permit inventory for commercial exhibition purposes.
Native Species Exhibiting
Issued to any resident who is in the business of exhibiting animals and who possesses the qualifications listed in 671.1(c)(1) to import, transport, and possess only those species listed on the Department approved permit inventory for commercial exhibition purposes. Animals are nonreleasable wildlife that originated in the wild in this state and remains property of the state.
Nuisance Bird Abatement, Resident
Issued to any resident who is in the business of abating nuisance birds and who possesses the qualifications listed in 671.1(c)(1) to import, transport, and possess only those species listed on the Department approved permit inventory for commercial nuisance bird abatement purposes.
Nuisance Bird Abatement, Nonresident
Issued to any nonresident who is in the business of abating nuisance birds and who possesses the qualifications listed in 671.1(c)(1) to import, transport, and possess only those species listed on the Department approved permit inventory for commercial nuisance bird abatement purposes.
Research (Detrimental Species)
Issued to any university, college, governmental research agency, or other bona fide scientific institution, as determined by the Department, engaging in scientific or public health research to import, transport, and possess only those species designated as detrimental and listed on the Department approved permit inventory for breeding, or for bona fide scientific or public health research.
Issued to any resident, who possesses the qualifications listed in Section 671.1(c)(1), and who has a statement in writing signed by the Department's regional manager verifying the need for a shelter or similar facility in the area, to transport and possess restricted species for humane purposes only. The permit fee may be waived upon recommendation of the regional manager when it is determined to be in the best interest of the public, the animal, or the Department. Special Authorizations: (1) A permittee may exhibit animals at its facility for fundraising purposes. (2) The Department may authorize a permittee to import restricted species upon receipt of written verification that appropriate facilities outside of California were contacted and no housing was available, and that these specific animals would be euthanized if they cannot be imported into California.