CWHP Research, Monitoring & Evaluation

Research, monitoring, and evaluation are key components of the CWHP's efforts to better understand the restoration and management of wetland habitats. The CWHP has provided technical assistance and funding to the following projects:

  • Hickey, C., Kreitinger, K., DiGaudio, R., Page, G. W. and G. R. Geupel. 2006.
    Avian monitoring on private lands: Measuring bird response to easement, restoration, and incentive programs in the Central Valley. Progress Report. Point Reyes Bird Observatory Conservation Science. Contribution #1255. Stinson Beach, CA.
  • Matchett, E. L., Loughman, D. L., Laughlin, J. A., and R. D. Eddings. 2006.
    Factors that influence nesting ecology of waterfowl in the Sacramento Valley of California: An evaluation of the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program. Final Report. California Waterfowl Association. Sacramento, CA.
  • Moss, R. C., Blumenshine, S. C., and J. P. Fleskes. 2006.
    Aquatic insects and waste agricultural seeds in post-harvest flooded agricultural fields in the southern San Joaquin Valley, California.  Final Report. U.S. Geological Survey. Dixon, CA.
  • Oldenburger, S., Eadie, J. and M. Petrie. 2005.
    Breeding ecology of mallards in the Sacramento Valley, California. Interim Progress Report. University of California. Davis, CA.
aerial photo of Los Banos Wildlife Area
Seasonal wetlands at Los Banos Wildlife Area

Contact Information


Brian Olson
Wetland Conservation Program (WCP)
1010 Riverside Pkwy, West Sacramento, CA 95605
Mailing address: P.O. Box 944029, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090