Land Management Plan for Cosumnes River Ecological Reserve

Project Description

Location: The Cosumnes River Preserve consists of approximately 45,859 acres of wildlife and agricultural lands owned by seven land-owning partners (The Nature Conservancy, Bureau of Land Management, California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento County, Department of Water Resources, Ducks Unlimited, and the California State Lands Commission). The Preserve spans Sacramento County and the northern part of San Joaquin County.

Purpose of Acquisition: For the permanent protection of a continuous riparian corridor extending from the Cosumnes headwaters to the Delta.

Description*: Management will focus on protecting, maintaining, and restoring the native vegetative communities, especially the valley oak riparian forest and freshwater seasonal wetlands, and the native species that depend on them. Wildlife compatible opportunities for public uses within the preserve include: hiking, paddling, boating, hunting, fishing, wildlife viewing/photography, research and volunteering.

*Implementation of tasks needed to achieve management goals is dependent on the availability of staffing and adequate operations and maintenance budget.

Environmental Review

Status: Update in progress.

An update to the Cosumnes River Ecological Reserve Land Management Plan is currently undergoing internal agency review, with planned release for public review under NEPA and CEQA later in 2020.


A hard copy of the 2008 Management Plan, including public comments and responses, can be viewed during regular office hours (Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) at:

California Department of Fish and Wildlife
North Central Region
1701 Nimbus Road
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

(916) 358-2900

Wildlife Branch - Lands Program
Mailing: P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090