Carrizo Plains Ecological Reserve

tule elk were captured at the San Luis National Wildlife Refuge
In 2014, tule elk were captured at the San Luis National Wildlife Refuge and released at the Carrizo Plains Ecological Reserve and elsewhere.


The Carrizo Plains Ecological Reserve is approximately 38,900 acres and includes the American Ranch, North Chimineas, and South Chimineas Units. The Carrizo Plain is a diverse complex of scrub and woodland. The lowest elevations are dominated by spiny saltbush and iodine bush, with numerous vernal pools. Immediately upslope is either extensive non-native annual grassland or active drainages dominated by common saltbush. In the hills, several shrub communities are well represented including bush lupine, buckwheat, scrub oaks, and junipers. Numerous bird species occur, as well as carnivores, ungulates, rodents, bats, snakes, lizards, and other species.

For more information, call the Central Region Fresno office at (559) 243-4005 x151 or visit the Chimineas Ranch Foundation(opens in new tab) website.

Map of Carrizo Plains ER - click to enlarge in new window
Click to enlarge


Central Region (Region 4)

San Luis Obispo County

Directions: Hwy 166, 45 miles east of Santa Maria and 25 miles west of New Cuyama. Parking lot and entrance gate are at mile marker 45 on the north side of the highway.

Access Map (PDF)(opens in new tab)

CDFW Lands Viewer

Recreational Opportunities

Wildlife Viewing  Hiking Trails Quail Hunting Wild Pig Hunting

Activities: wildlife viewing, hiking, hunting

Hunting: dove, quail, wild pig, cottontail, and jackrabbit may be present

Chimineas Access Permit (PDF)(opens in new tab)

Related Documents

Wildlife Branch - Lands Program
Mailing: P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090