Human-Wildlife Conflicts: Coyotes

coyote standing in field

Coyotes (Canis latrans) are native to California and can be seen in diverse habitats, including rural, residential, and urban areas. They are highly intelligent, social, and adaptive. They generally live in family groups and establish home range territories to hunt and raise their pups.

Coyotes may be heard calling to each other (yips, howls, barks) any time of day or night. They have the most diverse range of vocalizations of any mammal in North America, and Native Americans called them "song dogs".

Coyotes provide many ecosystem benefits, such as controlling rodent and other small mammal populations. They will consume nearly anything, including rodents, rabbits, birds and eggs, reptiles, fruits, and plants, as well as pet food, human food, and trash. Potential conflict with coyotes may occur due to property damage, loss of pets or small livestock, or human health and safety concerns if a coyote loses its natural fear of humans.

Prevent Potential Conflicts

Wildlife Health Lab
1701 Nimbus Road Suite D, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
(916) 358-2790 |