All Upland Game Bird Grant Projects Categories Habitat Enhancement (12) Hunting Oportunity (8) Research, Survey and Monitoring (10) Upper Bute Basin WA Llano Seco Unit Upland Restoration, Free Roam Phase 1 November 3, 2016 (CDFW North Central Region 2) The proposed restoration effort will improve 92 acres of upland nesting cover on the Upper Butte Basin Wildlife Area’s Llano Seco Unit. The restoration effort will develop a robust stand of dependable perennial grasses associated with the remaining historic sloughs which are inundated throughout the year. The area is dominated by star thistle and short stature annual grasses, which provide limited cover and resources for upland nesting and foraging bird species. The ability to develop a complex of perennial grasses establishing desirable year-round cover will increase the nesting potential and production of desired upland bird species. The perennial grasses will also provide improved fall and winter thermal cover thus helping elevate survival. This identified free roam area provides roughly 60% of the upland game bird hunting opportunities for the public on the Llano Seco Unit. The last four seasons averaged ±2,400 public hunters at the Llano Seco Unit. The hunters who only selected to hunt upland bird species numbered ±74, with an estimated +300 hunting both waterfowl and upland game species at the same time. Dove hunters during this same time averaged 183 participants. Improvements to habitat conditions will help to improve hunting conditions for the general public on this acreage. Project Proposal (PDF) Phase 1 Final Report (PDF) Categories: Habitat Enhancement Tagged: