All Upland Game Bird Grant Projects Categories Habitat Enhancement (12) Hunting Oportunity (8) Research, Survey and Monitoring (10) Tests of efficient methods for assessing Mountain Quail abundance and habitat November 1, 2015 (CDFW Central Region 4) Drought and increased wildfire severity have altered the structure, composition, and distribution of chaparral habitats in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, relative to pre-fire suppression conditions. These trends will likely continue in the future due to climate change, yet their impact on Mountain Quail (Oreortyx pictus) is essentially unknown. Assessment of Mountain Quail abundance and critical habitat is hindered by the lack of practical and efficient methods for counting birds and measuring dense, frequently impenetrable, chaparral vegetation. The Game Bird Research Group proposes to quantify the temporal patterns of Mountain Quail vocalizations that underpin abundance estimates derived from call counts. Project Proposal (PDF)(opens in new tab) Progress Report (PDF)(opens in new tab) Final Report (PDF)(opens in new tab) Categories: Research, Survey and Monitoring Tagged: