All Upland Game Bird Grant Projects Categories Habitat Enhancement (12) Hunting Oportunity (8) Research, Survey and Monitoring (10) Habitat Development & Enhancement Projects at Gray Lodge WA November 1, 2015 (CDFW North Central Region 2) This project will improve approximately 149 acres of upland nesting and foraging habitat for pheasants and other upland wildlife species in Fields 78-80. The Contractor will conduct a complete topographic survey on the entire project site to capture all existing field grades, ditch elevations and existing structures. Based on this information, a design and construction drawings will be developed meeting the requirements of the Gray Lodge management staff. Based upon the final design, calculations and a materials list will be generated. A bid meeting will be held and then a selected contractor will start earthmoving activities to undertake the construction of the site. Following construction of the major infrastructure, fields to be planted to perennial grasses will be prepared for planting. Prior to planting, herbicides will be applied following the first rains to ensure removal of sprouting annuals. Then the grasses will be seeded. In the spring if thistle and/or mustard are an issue, another application of herbicides will be conducted as needed. Food plots could be planted in the fall for winter wheat if management desires. In the spring safflower and sunflower will be planted. The contractor will prepare and submit an intermediate report by May 1, 2017. Any fields not planted in the fall of 2016 and spring of 2017 will be planted in the fall of 2017. The Contractor shall write a final report following the final planting and submit to the CDFW Contract Manager. Project Proposal (PDF) Categories: Habitat Enhancement Tagged: