SHARE Fishing

The goal of SHARE Fishing is to provide unique angling opportunities across the state through partnerships with private landowners. We are currently looking for a variety of water types to enroll in the program that can serve the diverse interests and skills of recreational anglers.

SHARE Brochure (PDF)(opens in new tab)

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Fishing Opportunities

2024 Opportunities

Application Instructions

General Drawing Information

  • A non-refundable $14.61 application fee is charged for each Access Permit application.
  • Access Permits are issued by random draw.
  • Successful applicants will be notified by email 15 days before each hunt.

Ways to Apply

SHARE Access Permit applications can be purchased:

Online Access Permit Application Instructions

To apply for a SHARE Access Permit go to the License Sales and Service website and follow these instructions:

  1. Log in with your customer login, or register. A user profile is required to apply.
  2. Select "Purchase Licenses" from the top menu boxes
  3. Select "2024 - Hunting" or "2024 - Sport Fishing" from the menu on the left (hunts and angling opportunities must be applied for separately)
  4. Scroll down to the "Drawings" section
  5. Select "Add to Cart" for the 2024 - SHARE Fishing/Hunting Multi Choice Application; this will give you a list of SHARE properties
  6. Select a property - this will give you a calendar of available dates for that property
  7. Select each date you want to apply for (each selection has a non-refundable fee of $14.61)
  8. Select "Accept Choices"
  9. Check out

Drawing Results

General SHARE Opportunities

  • Draws are performed 16 days before each opportunity.
  • All successful applicants will receive an email when they are drawn.
  • Successful hunt applicants will be able to download their hunt information from their ALDS profile.
  • Successful fishing applicants must submit a signed SHARE Program Liability Waiver (PDF Form) and proof of fishing license before their opportunity information is emailed to them.
  • Unsuccessful applicants will not be notified.
  • Applicants can look up their drawing results online two days after the application deadline.

Landowners and Land Keepers

As a partner with SHARE Fishing, you will:

  • Receive financial compensation and complete liability coverage for every day access is allowed
  • Determine the number of anglers, method of catch, and all other conditions for each day's experience
  • Gain access to our fisheries and wildlife specialists for support with fishery enhancements or habitat improvements
  • Foster an important connection for people with the outdoors through sport fishing
  • Invest in California's enjoyment of fish and wildlife resources

If you own or manage private lands that have potential recreational opportunities and are interested in partnering with the SHARE program, please contact the Fisheries Coordinator or fill out the landowner enrollment form (PDF Form).


Flower Moye, SHARE Fisheries Coordinator

Fisheries Branch
Branch Chief: Jay Rowan
1010 Riverside Parkway, West Sacramento, CA 95605