Delta Conservation Framework

Delta Conservation Framework 2018-2050

The Delta Conservation Framework is intended to serve as a comprehensive resource and guide for planning conservation in the Delta through 2050.

The Framework provides a template for regional and stakeholder-led approaches to restoring ecosystem functions to the Delta landscape. It incorporates feedback from a series of public workshops initiated in 2016, prior planning efforts and the best available science on Delta ecosystem processes.

The history, culture, politics and ecosystems of the Delta are complex. The Delta is also connected in many ways to the lands, watersheds and communities that surround it. If the Delta Conservation Framework is used as a guide toward future conservation project planning and implementation, and its conservation goals and strategies are pursued by all Delta stakeholders, it is possible to achieve the vision of a Delta composed of resilient natural and managed ecosystems situated within a mosaic of towns and agricultural landscapes, where people prosper and healthy wildlife communities thrive.

The Delta Conservation Framework includes broad goals that acknowledge the importance of effective communication, community engagement, and education, making decisions based on science, and working collectively on conservation permitting and funding. The Framework suggests multiple strategies that could be used by all Delta stakeholders to move conservation forward.

CDFW initiated the process to develop the Delta Conservation Framework to maintain and increase conservation momentum in the Delta after the pivot away from the Bay Delta Conservation Plan.

Please access the Delta Conservation Framework (DCF) documents below:

Science Foundation

Delta Planning Documents

A number of Delta planning documents guide Delta Conservation Framework project planning and implementation, including:

HCP / NCCP Initiatives

Delta-related habitat conservation planning / natural community conservation planning initiatives have been completed or are currently under way, including:

CDFW Water Branch
P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244