Dungeness Crab Biweekly Reports

Vessels participating in the California commercial Dungeness crab fishery are required to submit Bi-weekly Fishing Activity Reports to CDFW on or before the 1st and 16th of each month. Each report covers the previous two weeks of fishing activity. Bi-weekly reports are required from the time a vessel begins fishing up until the vessel has concluded fishing each season (CCR, T14, §132.8(g)(1)). Reports may be directly emailed or texted to WhaleSafeFisheries@wildlife.ca.gov. Alternatively, you may use the form provided below to submit a Fishing Activity Report to WhaleSafeFisheries@wildlife.ca.gov.

  • To start, enter your email address so a copy of your report will be sent to you.

  • What is the reporting period for this fishing activity report (select one)? Note: each reporting period covers the previous two weeks of fishing activity.

  • Does your Dungeness crab vessel permit start with CT or CN (select one)?

  • What is your Dungeness crab vessel permit number (4-digit number following CT or CN)?

  • What is the tier of your Dungeness crab vessel permit (select one)?

  • In which RAMP Fishing Zone were traps deployed? Check all that apply. (Map of Fishing Zones here: RAMP Fishing Zones_1-6.png)

  • How many traps did you deploy in this fishing zone?

  • What was the depth range (minimum and maximum depth in fathoms) of traps deployed in this zone?

  • Did you fish in multiple Fishing Zones during this biweekly period?

  • If you have any additional comments or questions regarding this biweekly fishing activity report, you can email or text WhaleSafeFisheries@wildlife.ca.gov

Marine Region (Region 7)
Regional Manager: Dr. Craig Shuman
Main Office: 20 Lower Ragsdale Drive, Suite 100, Monterey, CA  93940
Email CDFW's Marine Region  |  (831) 649-2870
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