Figure 3-1 Commercial Passenger Fishing Vessel (CPFV) landings of white seabass in U.S. and Mexican waters. (PDF) Figure 3-2 Total sport take of white seabass (WSB), in thousands of fish, compared to percentage of trips they are targeted. (PDF) Figure 3-3 Catch-per unit-effort (CPUE) of white seabass (WSB) aboard Commercial Passenger Fishing Vessels (CPFVs) targeting white seabass from 1995-1999. (PDF) Figure 3-4 Recreational catch of white seabass (thousands of fish) by fishing mode from 1980-2000. (PDF) Figure 3-5 Length of white seabass kept by different fishing modes from 1980-2000. (PDF) Figure 3-6 Regulation changes and total white seabass commercial catch from U.S. and Mexican waters taken by California fishermen from 1936-2001. (PDF) Figure 3-7 Set gill net and drift gill net effort and pounds landed from 1982-2000. (PDF) Figure 3-8 Commercial catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) of white seabass from 1982-2000. (PDF) Figure 3-9 Recreational fishing trips (saltwater) taken in southern California from 1993-2000. (PDF) Figure 3-10 Annual household incomes of marine anglers in California in 2000. (PDF) Figure 3-11 Age groups of marine anglers in California in 2000. (PDF) Figure 3-12 Percentage of white seabass revenue by port area from 1981-2000. (PDF) Figure 3-13 Annual white seabass commercial landings and ex-vessel revenue for California from 1981-2000. (PDF) Figure 3-14 White seabass revenue by gear type from 1982-2000. (PDF) Figure 3-15 Estimated number of white seabass kept and released by anglers who use private/rental boats. (PDF) Figure 5-1 Default MSY/OY control rule (modified from Restrepo et al. 1998). (PDF)