In 2006 and 2011, CDFW tagged over 2,000 red abalone to study abalone movement and growth at
Van Damme State Park. Abalone fishermen can play an important role in helping CDFW manage this valuable resource by providing information on all tagged abalone they see.
Note that tagged abalone may not be disturbed. Also, algae and other organisms growing on the abalone shell may make tags difficult to see.
If you see a tagged abalone, please call CDFW at (707) 875-2035 or complete a
red abalone tag return form (PDF) and mail to:
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Attn: Tagged Abalone
2099 Westside Road
Bodega Bay, CA 94923-0247
You may also send the shell with the date, location, and depth where it was found to the above address.
Thank you for helping us to manage this valuable resource!