Bear Naked Truth

Goings-on with black bears in the Tahoe Basin and beyond

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    Flyer Spreads Harmful Misinformation on Tahoe Bears
    • January 5, 2024
    A Lake Tahoe Basin black bear holds a freshly caught kokanee salmon in its mouth.

    The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) has been alerted to flyers posted recently in the Lake Tahoe Basin encouraging people to feed bears and allow them to access garbage in order “to survive.” This is false and extremely harmful misinformation that is detrimental for bears.

    Bears are perfectly capable of surviving on their own and far better off without any human handouts. By intentionally feeding bears, people are quickly conditioning those bears to associate humans and homes as food sources. Bears baited by left-out food and garbage are conditioned to cross the boundary of safe behavior by approaching people, cars, houses, etc., to seek out that food reward. This changes a bear’s natural behaviors and greatly increases the potential for conflict.

    It’s not possible for communities in bear country to coexist with bears unless people respect boundaries with bears and other wildlife. This includes not feeding wildlife, keeping garbage and other attractants away from bears and wildlife and educating oneself on all the best practices when living in or visiting bear country.

    Living in bear country is a great privilege that comes with responsibilities. So please take the time to check out the online resources below to inform yourself and help others be part of the solution.

    Thank you for your help in keeping Tahoe bears wild.

    Online Black Bear Resources:

    Photo courtesy of the Nevada Department of Wildlife.


    Media Contact:
    Peter Tira, CDFW Communications, (916) 215-3858

    Categories: Human Wildlife Conflict, South Lake Tahoe

    Comments are closed.

    Office of Communications, Education and Outreach
    P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090
    (916) 322-8911